Big PIKE on pool 4 any good Ideas?

  • panthercoug
    Posts: 25

    Going to take my dad fishing this weekend and gonna take a bass break and just have some fun any good ideas were to find some monster pike?

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    If the water temp is still in the 70S up on 4 I would start at creek mouths dumping into the river. Before the heavy rains friends of mine were catching big fish and numbers with BIG spinnerbaits,oversized cranks and live bait . If the water temp is the same on the river as the creek mouths then head to the un-pressured weedlines and huck big spoons and spinnerbaits.

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    We have made a trip up to pool 4 in early September for the past several years and have found some good numbers of pike on lower pool 4 just below Lake Pepin. There is a slough that runs from Reads Landing to just above Wabasha.
    The slough begans below a series of wingdams so you have to be carefull getting in there. Thre are lots of short closing dams and rock structures in this slough which is actually a series of sloughs. We have always caught some pretty nice northerns in the deeper pools below these structures in that slough mainly casting crankbaits. Some of the pike we have caught and almost caught have been brutes. We’ve also caught bass and walleye back in there but they are usually on the small side.

    Last year we made our daily trip down to pool 5A at Fountain City and a buddy was casting a buzz bait for northerns and smallies and hooked into a really nice musky that was just a half inch short of being legal. If there are muskies in pool 5A I’d imagine there are also a few in pool 4 as well. The place where he caught the musky is very much like the slough up in pool 4 that I mentioned above.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 264

    Fresh off the press:

    Northern pike are inhaling spoons in the Pine Creek and Rush River areas of the Mississippi River. Crankbaits and leadcore are the ticket for walleyes in 18 to 25 feet at the Head of the Lakes and Maiden Rock Flats areas. The rock piles in the Maple Springs area of Lake Pepin are safe bets for smallmouth bass.

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    Pick up some big suckers and troll them on a strip-on rig

    I would add a blade and another hook to this set up if the suckers are good sized.

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