I fished tourny near pdc in june. When I returned home a couple days later I had a friend who didn’t even know I fished that weekend told me. That his friend made some money after a bass boat watch him land two big fish and gave him 50 bucks a fish, that really burned me to the point of wondering why fish if you cheat what is the point it’s just not fun. what had they achieved. I also wonder if they could even smile if they won. Or was it about the money. I like cashing checks but it’s not always about the money. If they wanted the money there would be better places to earn it rather than entering bass tourny’s
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Mississippi River » Mississippi River – Bass » how many think there is cheating in tourny’s
how many think there is cheating in tourny’s
July 9, 2007 at 6:56 pm #588298
Anytime money is involved there is going to be a risk of people cheating. It is unfortunate but not every fish catching person is trustworthy.
Posts: 701July 9, 2007 at 7:00 pm #588303There’s cheating in almost every sport, workplace, and anywhere else.
I guess I look at it as how I act, I can’t control someone else. Is it frustrating, yes. That said, most of the circuits and fisherman are well “above the law”.
If one rule is broken in the Midwest, it’s probably culling fish. However, half the time we’re lucky if 25% of the teams limit so that’s probably overblown too.
In my opinion it’s also horrible that some people sling unfounded accusations. I’ve had them slung at me and people I know, it’s a horrible feeling that leaves you feeling defenseless. This especially seems to happen when someone runs away from the pack in a tourney or has an extended hot streak.
Personally, I fish tourneys against myself rather than “against other teams”. I can only control my effort, my decision-making, and so on. I’ve learned a great deal from tournament fishing and enjoy fishing them.
July 9, 2007 at 7:19 pm #588309Interesting first post.
I don’t think anyone that is in the Bass circuit would risk there reputation over $100 bucks for 2 fish. Especially with someone they don’t even know.
I think I will play the BS card on this oneJuly 9, 2007 at 7:34 pm #588316Quote:
Interesting first post.
I don’t think anyone that is in the Bass circuit would risk there reputation over $100 bucks for 2 fish. Especially with someone they don’t even know.
I think I will play the BS card on this one
I think what he was saying is his friends (not fishing the tournament) made $100 off two fish that a competitor paid them.
I think that there is at least cheating in 75% of all tournaments. Anything from what is mentioned above to culling in a no-cull tournament.
July 9, 2007 at 7:48 pm #588318I understand, what I am saying is I have a hard time believing someone would lay there reputation on the line going up to some Joe they don’t know and giving them 100 bucks for there fish. I know there are some slow people out there, but that one is hard to believe.
July 9, 2007 at 8:05 pm #588321Quote:
Interesting first post.
I don’t think anyone that is in the Bass circuit would risk there reputation over $100 bucks for 2 fish. Especially with someone they don’t even know.
I think I will play the BS card on this one
I think what he was saying is his friends (not fishing the tournament) made $100 off two fish that a competitor paid them.
I think that there is at least cheating in 75% of all tournaments. Anything from what is mentioned above to culling in a no-cull tournament.
I think it may happen once in a great while, I would seriously question the integrity of the people your fishing agains if you think it happens %75 of the time.
The only thing we can do as anglers is watch for cheaters and make an example of them if they are found to be guilty.
July 9, 2007 at 8:05 pm #588322just to think this is bs the two fish were over 4 lbs. a piece I do know, the guy who caught them was paid 50 bucks a fish , by two guys in a bass boat so I would say they weren’t headed to the filet board, I haven’t dug in further to find out who they were, I just hoped, people are aware of this, I didn’t point out anyone , I did not say what tourny, I not slinging mud, I just simply asking if anyone has had occurances like this. It’s not speculation. It just cheating is cheating no matter how it done, I fish the best I can if at the end of the day it’s not good enough that’s fine with me. I’d rather have a bad day on the water than cheat and win. If I weigh 18 lbs. and don’t win I just tip my hat.
July 9, 2007 at 8:08 pm #588323I fish club tournaments…measure/releast (card)…and I have to say when my fish only goes 17 and 15/16 it’s awful tempting to find a way to stretch it…
So, even with less than $40 on the line, gotta say the temptation is there…I chose not to worry about the other guys…can only control myself…in position this year to possibly finish on top…whethe I do or not I’m going to look back and know I earned it, or someone else did.
Tough question…but the truth is, if you dwell on it too long this kind of stuff can eat you up…
Posts: 45July 9, 2007 at 8:57 pm #588346Was your buddy going to fillet two 4 pound bass? Why was he keeping those bass to begin with?
July 9, 2007 at 9:00 pm #588348hmmm, this is a tricky one. I would have to say that i guess i believe you that these bass guys paid your friend out, but I just don’t think cheating is all that common in fishing. I don’t think that most of these tournament anglers want to risk there reputation. It’s just not worth it.
July 9, 2007 at 9:02 pm #588350frogger if this is true you need to get more details. Try to do something about it. I know I would.
July 9, 2007 at 9:04 pm #588352Selling bass??? Everybody knows that’s illegal. Call the Tip Hot Line.
July 9, 2007 at 9:10 pm #588357I was fishing Pepin a couple years ago and caught a 3 1/2ish pound walleye infront of a couple guys in a big fancy boat…..Their comment was “Hey, Nice fish…..how much???….(chuckle chuckle)”…..
I said “Yeah, right….(chuckle chuckle)”…..wonder what they would have done if I would have said 10 bucks???
July 9, 2007 at 9:15 pm #588361I Have been fishing tournaments since 1999 and have not even thought about cheating. If you really want to take tournaments seriously and move up from club to Pro/Am and maybe even further, getting caught onece will throw you right out of all of the curcuts.
I run one tournament a year and know 5 circut tournament directors and word travels fast on who is hot and who is a little to hot. People are keeping an eye on some fisherman.
Rumers are started once one person has a hot streak and know one knows why.
If you get caught cheating you just hang up your tournament gear and just start fun fishing (which there is nothing wrong with that).
July 9, 2007 at 9:43 pm #588369Frogger, so what you are saying is your “friends,friend” caught a 4lb plus fish, then put it in his live well, caught another put it in his live well and then was offered $100.00. My first question would be, does this “friends, friend” always keep 4lb bass and does he know it is illegal to sell wild game?
July 9, 2007 at 9:55 pm #588374I agree, this whole thing sounds very very odd. I would stop right there Frogger.. Because if you begin to give out details of who, when, where,,, The teams that won or placed high in this tourney will begin to be questioned and reputations can be damaged. If your friends can identify the boat and the names in it, then by all means something should be brought up. I’ve never cheated in a tourney and never would. I just don’t get how a guy can cheat and win and still act proud of what they’ve done.
With that said, what if the tourney prize was 1 million bucks. And winning it would mean that you wouldn’t have to work in the 100 degree machine shop ever again. The avid fisherman may stretch or cull a fish or two? My point is, people will do anything when the money gets big. This is why my local sportsman club tourney keeps the 1st place prize under $1,000… We’ve had great luck with (hopefully) eliminating cheating and keeping it focused on the PRIDE of being the best fisherperson that day.
Posts: 245July 9, 2007 at 11:59 pm #588427I honestly don’t think there is that much… and that sounds rediculous that someone would drop 100 bucks on a couple of fish. They got screwed in my mind…I could try to catch a couple 4 lbers. and have a lot more fun doing it for free… dumb
July 10, 2007 at 3:30 am #588492I honestly don’t think it happens often but, a friend of mine was asked last year on lake winnie about an over the slot walleye(over 26″) he caught on a tourney day from a guy who explained in detail how he would split a percentage of the winnings with my friend. My friend, who at first, thought he was joking and blew it off, ended up going to the resort and blew the whistle on the guy….long story short; this was the 2nd time the guy was accused of doing the same thing was banned from the tourney…the first time he was reported by his sister….who was also in the tourney with her husband! Some people will do anything to make a buck…. I know these cases are far and few between but it makes you mad just to know that there are people like this out there.
July 10, 2007 at 2:27 pm #588608you can run your flag, I just ask simple question if you thought there was cheating? as far the guy who caught the fish in the first place yes they were going to slaughter, he caught them, I can’t stop what other people do I use friend loosely with him anyway,Guys I have fish tourny’s for 17 years, I have heard of baskets, stringers, and of course the incredulios money for fish, I just hadn’t thought anyone would take the money, As far as the guy who sold them he needed the money so it didn’t surprise me he has very limited money and he is a single parent, I don’t justify it , but I can see his temptation too. I again I haven’t even said anything about what tourney of what anglers and I will not. just to give everyone the benefit of doubt.
July 10, 2007 at 3:46 pm #588640If you believe your friend you should contact the tournament director. Get all the details about the boat and guys and he should be able to figure out who it is. If this really happened these so called competitors need to be run out of town.
If I knew someone had done this….things could get ugly.
July 10, 2007 at 11:24 pm #588863again with the flags ok I lied about everything I have better things to do than ask If you thought there was cheating in tourny’s and I get bs, I guess many are naive, I just shared my story and thought maybe others could share theirs, if any? Why would I bs , it took me a month to cool down enough to post anything, so you can all bs yourselves and believe everyone is on the up and up , again I never said who what where or when I said in june there are as many as 10 tourny’s on the pool in that month . so I quess when I ask a honest question? I will get honest answers. or bs i quess
July 11, 2007 at 12:37 am #588886I still have to know. Why didn’t you do anything about it? If you did what did you do? Tell us what kind of boat and motor or better yet if you know there names call them out.
July 11, 2007 at 8:33 pm #589203I think it would be unethical to name the alleged cheaters on this one. reputations are on the line here and by putting their names out they would be automatically guilty whether they did it or not. These are some serious allegations punishable by law and its only hearsay. If what Frogger does say is true, something definitely needs to be done but through the tournament director and the local law enforcement… NOT on a message board! I am not giving my opinion as to whether or not I think this really happened, but anybody can have problems with someone else and just start some nasty rumors about them to get what they they think is payback …Not saying thats what I think you are doing at all Frogger, but it could happen.
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