
  • jeremy-crawford
    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Ehat happened Saturday? You were in your back yard.
    I hope you don’t have a horror story about your BFL partner as well.
    Let me know.

    PdC, WI.
    Posts: 132

    JC, I saw Glenn after the weigh-in. He said that his boater wasn’t interested in going to his fish. It’s too bad when that happens, but it is VERY common. I was lucky and got my 5th fish on my spot (that was a great feeling ). Does anyone know the results from Sunday’s BWS tournament? Glenn was going to fish it as was Jeff Ritter.

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 26

    I heard Brian Fitzpatrick won it fishing by himself. I hope I’m not starting rumors! Pretty amazing if he did. It wouldn’t be the first time he has done that.

    Jeremy must have found a pretty good spot! Should have entered those tournaments.


    mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    Brian has been prefishing up around us and it really wouldn’t suprise me if he did win it himself.

    Posts: 90

    I don’t want to sound like a jerk here, but the last thing I would ever do as a boater is go to my non-boater’s fish. After prefishing for days and putting a plan together, the worst thing is to have a non-boater bugging you from the start about going to some other spots. How is a boater supposed to know if the non-boater is full of #%^$ or not? If I was absolutely blanking and had nothing left, I might consider it, but in my opinion, if you’re a non-boater, don’t prefish and try to get your boater to go to your fish. If you want to do that and call the shots, just enter as a boater and do your thing. It’s not the same as when it was $75 for everybody, everybody competed against each other, and you were supposed to split time at the trolling motor. Anybody else feel that way? No offense intended for anybody.

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    You are absolutely correct in the fact that you want to go to your fish… However I know for a fact that some people don’t find any fish in practice. Heck, this has happened all to many times. In these cases I would love to have a partner with a pile of fish found.
    Next, If you are a non boater and you have fish you obviously know what is happening on the water and can adjust your presentation to compensate for positioning issues ans such. All being said I am the kind of guy that will give it my all and in doing so try to get my non-boater a limit as well. If I was forced to fish in a manor that handicapped him I would explain and hope that he understands. If he was a good sport I would give him some time for letting me get the limit I found. If it takes me all 8 hours to a limit then I obviously did not do my homework or the bite is extremely tough. This past weekend I could have taken any nonboater out for 15 minutes and put them on a limit, all be it a small limit but that would have given them a shot. I guess what I am saying is that this is only a game and as much as we all want to win I would just hope we would just go out and do our best. There is something to be said for helping people out…. I think its called Karma. As soon as I sacrafice 3 chickens and see Miss Cloe I will be ready to go.

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