Favorite swim jig experiences.
First swim jig fish ever – Pool 11 (LW white-chart)
I cast up to shore and about halfway back a three pounder comes storming and just crushes the jig so hard I about lost my rod. When I got him in the boat I couldn’t believe he was only 3.
Coming back from getting my head handed to me, by my dad. My dad got introduced to a super secret color from Mr. Ritter and is just handing me my head. He was up like 5-0 when he cut off his jig and tied on a new one . I don’t even think it hit the deck and I tied it on
. I made the come back
and still here how certain people will never share again.
Toxic Waste – D-Nort and I were fishing the wolf and catching a couple shorts and then I decided to throw one of my off the wall colors. Toxic waste (Purple, and Yellow rubber skirt with a Jap red grub) Well 5 cast later I caught a 3 ½ and 2- 2 ½ pounders. I caught a bunch more and got to here Dave grumble all day long . Then we headed to the 41 bridge where I stuck a 3 ½ pound smallie on the same rig
. It was also the same day I finally broke down and stared using braid because my first 3 fish came off that day. Line stretch sucks some times!
Last year my dad takes me to all his spots on the Wolf and watches me load up about a 16 pound limit from the back of boat on dirty gringo (Dirty white rubber and a pink glitter grub). The best was end of day spot where I caught 2 – 4 pounders.
My favorite of all was last year when I started using the bigger grubs – about 3 feet in front of the boat a 3 ½ comes out of reeds and just crushes my dirty gringo swim jig with a glow super mag grub and just tried to whip my but, but I got him in after the fire drill and weighed in big bass for the Tournament (club tourney pool 8).
That is why I am a swim jig addict!
How I got introduced to swim jigs when Jim Johnson showed up at a Mr. Bass Tourney about 6 or 7 years ago with a box full of them for sale and after seeing what the BFL guys were doing with them I know my dad and dropped a couple hundred bucks in the parking lot of Big Green that night!