Low water conditions….
Well, this weekend was an eventful one to say the least.
We have been monitoring the water levels closely and knowing that pool 10 has dropped 2 feet in 2 weeks we knew our job would be interesting. I specifically targeted the mouths of bays and main river points and humps. The classic pattern of fish pulling out of the backwaters and staging in deeper water areas adjacent to previous living quarters had not fully played out when I arrived. We did find some fish in the middle of the sloughs but the banks seemed to be bare. The smallies and smaller largemouth were using riprap on the main river but the real big fish were not present. I headed to all the local places trying to find out where they were in the transition. Pool 10 does not have as many good areas for low water and I never made it to some of my favorite spots. Saturday we were off the water by 5:00 pm which is way earlier than typical. The heat was taking its toll and the lack of bites was mentally challenging. We called it a day and figured we would check our fish and head to new water if need be. Well the slop bite was nonexistent for much of the river but in one area we found a pile. This is one of those staging areas I was referring to. Large backwater area with a 4 foot run through the middle with plenty of cover and forage within about 50 yards from the main channel. Anyway, if you still need me to mark that spot on a map then you haven’t been on pool 10 much. –big grin-
So, we were all ready to go just biding time until around 11:00 at which time I felt like we would be able to get those fish to bite and with any luck and patience we would have caught some good fish.
We check the few morning spots we had and as luck would have it we had some mechanical failure. The motor for some reason just stopped. It seems to be wiring related as it would be an on and off again problem. We though it had something to do with the fuses but the more I think about it, it seems that when the motor would get warmed up the electrical system would just shut down. Not even the tilt or trim would work.
Needless to say I don’t have any more info on how we would have faired… I hope you all had more luck than I this past weekend.