A week or so ago James and others mentioned the prop wash thing. Caring it to an extreme a recent article in FLW outdoors says that one of the patterns on a particular body of water is to follow the ferry from one side of a river to the other and as it docks on each side fish the propeller wash. Author claims he has won at least one tourney this way. He actually found it accidentally one day while waiting for the ferry to get out of the way. It is apparently a cable ferry like we have over at Lake Wisconsin(WI. River), so the cables don’t allow you to pass whenever you are close to the Ferry. Again like you guys supposed in you post it appears that the stirring up of bait and everything is a big bite promoter. As soon as the ferry gets a little distance away the bite stops. The author says apparently the sound of the props is the signal to the fish that it is time to feed.
Fish in propwash by James???
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