Upper Miss with Mack

  • riverfan
    Posts: 1530

    Fished the bass opener on Sauk Rapids stretch of the upper Mississippi with Mike Cayford (Alvin Mack). It’s an impressive smallmouth fishery with good numbers and excellent size. Lots of 16-18” fish. The one mike is holding was just over 18” but a heavy body. He had a 19.5” but it was thin. Caught em for 6” to 6’ and on everything we thru but the chatter bait took most of the big fish and Mack did most of the damage. I was mister multi-specie with 3 walleyes 2 crappie and 3 encounters with muskies (fish 3…fisherman 0). Saw 2 but one took me to task. It went anywhere it wanted to go. Sure wish I could have seen it. If you’re thinking of fishing that stretch do bring a regular boat. Jet’s only.


    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Nicely done John & Mack!!

    Posts: 354

    Man, I miss the Miss!
    Great job guys!

    MO & MN
    Posts: 108


    Man, I miss the Miss!
    Great job guys!

    What he said!

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Mack, Fished the Royalton area this past w-end. Ended up with alot of small fish. Also had 7 bonus walleyes. Alot of water to fish this time of year as river is a little high. Even seen multiple 100hp+ outboards around. (Ouch) Congrats on those smallies!

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