Bass Behavior.

  • mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    Right , right , right and right Gianni. As a full time guide and ocassional tournament guy I can say that I don’t think you said a single thing that I dont agree with close to 100%. With only one exception, if you have 20-30 spots which normally hold fish at that time of year some of them most likely do today ,too. You pretty much don’t know the size , but chances are some bass are there or in close enough to locate them. Getting them to bite is another thing. How many times with high water and high flow have we all seen bass and walleye feeding on a wingdam right in front of us and not been able to get a single bite. The recent article in the FLW magazine showing the results of fisheries technicians following behind bass fisherman, (shocking fish), that were having little or no results and seemed convinced that the size and numbers were small. Wrong on both counts.

    So I do agree that when I leave a dock I’m not sure which of these spots will yield fish , but that some will. As I said above fish big enough to win a tourney, that is a lot less certain.

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