Team Supreme Super North results…7/13/03

  • pitbull
    Too far from the river
    Posts: 485

    I see Flack and Chase are on top once again

    1 118.46 CHASE GILLETTE/ TERRY FLACK 6 3.51 18.46

    2 116.74 ROBERT FARLEY/ TERRY FARLEY 6 3.70 17.74

    3 115.21 DOUG STANTON/ BRETT HAFFNER 6 3.49 17.21

    4 114.18 SAM RITTER/ JEFF RITTER 6 2.98 17.18

    5 112.75 WAYNE DONLEY/ TODD DONLEY 6 3.60 16.75

    6 111.47 BRYAN GRAY/ MARK DUTRA 6 3.66 16.47

    7 110.32 TOM HOWLAND/ JASON HOWLAND 6 3.73 16.32

    8 108.91 TERRY ACKLEY/ RICK MILLER 6 3.06 15.91

    9 107.90 PETER FOLLANSBEE/ JOSH LINGARD 6 3.24 15.90

    10 106.82 TREVOR RASMUSSEN/ SCOTT FISCHER 6 4.45 15.82

    11 105.33 PATRICK MARCO/ PAUL ZABEL 6 3.87 15.33

    12 104.25 BOB KOWAL/ CRAIG KOWAL 6 3.69 15.25

    13 102.66 JAMES FETTING/ KEVIN LARSON 6 3.09 14.66

    14 101.55 BRUCE CHANDLER/ TIM BYE 6 2.91 14.55

    15 100.40 RAY GRANDY JR./ RAY GRANDT III 6 3.06 14.40

    16 99.08 NEVIN GILLETTE/ MIKE OTTENS 6 2.37 14.08

    17 97.75 DAVE PLANTENBERG/ BRUCE HALE 6 3.00 13.75

    18 96.73 TIM JOHNSON/ ALLYN DOERR 6 2.87 13.73

    19 95.70 DARREN ZUMACH/ JEFF KERSKA 6 2.58 13.70

    20 94.69 KYLE VONRUDEN/ VERNON VONRUDEN 6 2.93 13.69


    22 92.52 JEFF BENSON/ FLORIAN LITZINGER 6 2.39 13.52

    23 91.33 HEATH AHNEN/ DENNIS AHNEN 6 2.63 13.33

    24 90.32 MICHAEL JOHNSON/ SCOTT ALO 6 3.29 13.32

    25 89.24 TIM KOMAR/ SCOTT MROZINSKI 6 2.84 13.24

    26 88.20 CHET HAWKINS/ SCOTT GARTNER 6 2.38 13.20

    27 87.13 JIM JOHNSON/ DAN THILL 6 2.85 13.13

    28 86.10 TOBEY SIEMS/ ROBERT SHANE MILLER 6 3.06 13.10

    29 85.03 DOUG HASKELL/ ED STELLNER 6 3.42 13.03

    30 83.89 WADE JONES/ MIKE HUFFMAN 6 2.52 12.89

    31 82.42 DICK MICHALKE/ ANDY MULLER 6 2.93 12.42

    32 81.12 ROLLIE TRUEHL/ JEFF KRISHER 6 2.67 12.12

    33 79.69 DAN PARKER/ HARRY HEINS 6 2.40 11.69

    34 78.60 JOHN SHEETZ/ JOSH REYNOLDS 6 2.49 11.60

    35 77.50 ADAM KALTENBACH/ DAN CRANDELL 5 2.77 11.50

    36 76.43 JIM KOWAL/ LARRY CARLSON 6 3.17 11.43

    37 75.20 RICHARD WATESKI/ JEFF SNYDER 6 2.58 11.20

    38 73.62 DEAN SALOW/ KELLY SALOW 5 2.75 10.62

    39 72.56 KENNETH SEIDEL/ JERRY THURSTON 6 2.68 10.56

    40 71.41 AL GRAY/ MIKE MULLER 6 2.09 10.41

    41 70.31 BRAD ALBERS/ CARL ALBERS 6 1.99 10.31

    42 69.15 TODD COX/ DAVE HOLST 5 2.66 10.15



    45 65.02 DAVE DIELING/ KYLE DIELING 4 2.67 9.02

    46 62.49 TONY PUELZ/ TERRY PUELZ 3 2.57 7.49

    47 60.87 ALLEN ROSS/ RON SCHMIDKNECHT 3 2.81 6.87

    48 59.28 RICK RAGNER/ BRETT STAUDER 3 2.52 6.28

    49 56.71 DORSEY LANE/ BOB MINDOCK 2 2.93 4.71

    50 54.79 LEIGHTON OSTRANDER/ CHUCK CHRIST 2 2.14 3.69

    Posts: 5


    good job guys

    Posts: 5

    Wonder how long it will take until i get one of Pitbull’s and Carwford’s “put your money where your mouth is” comments?

    Look on the bright side Pitbull, you got 5 points and you didnt even have to bring any pizza!


    I’ll take you up if the offer is extended to everyone…
    All I can say is Cha-Ching, Momma needs new shoes.



    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    You crack me up.. When do you want to have this fish off. I am ready this afternoon.

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    The power of anonymity. Makes it easy spout garbage when nobody knows who you are.

    I especially like people who automagically jump from a little fun humor and razzing to trying to be hurtful and toss daggers. Thanks, I hope some of the info I have shared over the years is helping you out.


    Posts: 1

    I can’t take it anymore. Shadrapper, Why do you open your mouth. There is only one person in my mind that has really helped me this year. He gives good info and I find it on target. So he didn’t win. So What. I am sure you have spent a day on the water and got shut down. Then you make fun of people that I am sure are better than you. I don’t get it. My momma told me that if I don’t have nothing nice to say then I should keep my big trap shut. Maybe I should have her call you. Its much harder to build a house than to tear it down. If you are betting I’ll put my money on JC just because you make me ill. Crawl back under your rock and do what it is you do when you are alone.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347

    I’ll second that. This is going to get me into some trouble with James, I’m sure, but here goes: Shadrapper, you’re a moron. Go away with the rest of the trash. The idea behind this website is to be constructive and learn. Can you name one thing that you’ve contributed to it? If your sole purpose on here is to bash people, then I hope your boat sinks just above a dam. That way, you can mingle with the rest of the puke on the bottom of a river.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    If the shoe fits….?

    Seriously though…. Jeremy doesn’t have to prove anything. Those that actually fish bass on the river know when a guy knows his stuff… and Jeremy knows his stuff. Period. And he’s been kind (and some days, brave enough) to share some of what he knows with the rest of us. For some reason there’s always one or two out of the many that get all bent out of shape over a guy sharing what they know and those people just DO NOT belong here. Go away. Don’t come back. Need a new website to visit where the idiots run wild and you’ll feel right at home? Send me a PM and I name you more than a few.

    We need a moto around here. Now this isn’t refined but it gets to the jist of things. Something like “Be friendly, be patient, be funny, be helpful or just be quiet.”


    I’ll second that. This is going to get me into some trouble with James, I’m sure, but here goes: Shadrapper, you’re a moron. Go away with the rest of the trash. The idea behind this website is to be constructive and learn. Can you name one thing that you’ve contributed to it? If your sole purpose on here is to bash people, then I hope your boat sinks just above a dam. That way, you can mingle with the rest of the puke on the bottom of a river.

    Winona, Minnesota
    Posts: 1073

    Perhaps I should leave well enough alone, but I did go through and check all of Mr. Shadrapper’s posts, just to be sure.

    (you just need to click on the persons name to see what they have posted)

    Not alot of informative or constructive info. If a person really has a beef with someone they could easily use PM(private messaging) No need to try to get all puffed up on public.

    I will second what James put on another post

    “now boys play nice”

    This website is to awesome to have some, shall we say less than positive, comments on it.

    Just my $0.02

    I just fell off my soap box so I’m outta here.

    ps. James, Well said. You beat my post by about 1 min. So mine is now of little use so again Very well put!

    Posts: 64

    I just about fell off my chair to see that a member outed another member!! I have enjoyed viewing this forum from an on-line stand point an from a “logged-off” position. It is refreshing to see the inter-action between members. “Shadripper” do not find a rock, come on out in the open so you are fair game just like Pitbull and J.C. You have know idea what it is like. Better yet I will pay for the next Team Supreme North Tourney for you and your partner to fish. Lets see the results!! Jeremy and Mike will certainly have a different approach. Do not take the quality of this site down to the level you enjoy!!!

    PdC, WI.
    Posts: 132

    Good job James , I love this site and think you do a great job of keeping us all positive. I have learned a ton on here and appreciate all you do and the constructive posts that most of the people put on the site.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    To the 99.9999% of the guys and gals out there that know what a site like this can be when we all just behave a little better than the rest… it’s my priveledge!


    Good job James , I love this site and think you do a great job of keeping us all positive. I have learned a ton on here and appreciate all you do and the constructive posts that most of the people put on the site.

    Posts: 175

    To James and Mr. Crawford

    Keep up the excellent work. I have gained a lot of helpful info off from this site. It is to bad a few people have to ruin all the fun.

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063


    We need a moto around here. Now this isn’t refined but it gets to the jist of things. Something like “Be friendly, be patient, be funny, be helpful or just be quiet.”

    Glad someone finally said it. The bass forum seems to have been going downhill for a while. For those interested in continuing the peeing contest, there’s a time and a place to resolve such things:

    Everet’s Resort
    August 16th
    7AM to 3PM (if I remember correctly)
    Check your ego at the gate and have some fun.

    I’m sure the state of Wisconsin frowns on side-bets of the amounts that have been discussed here, but afterward everyone can have a beer, some fried fish, and get happy.

    Posts: 3682

    How about if you dont fill in your profile with your name and home town you cant post? Seems to me the ones that talk crap never have there names up,might cut down on some of the unwanted clutter of a great site.

    PdC, WI.
    Posts: 132

    I agree it might help, but there would still be no way to know that they weren’t lieing. It does really seem that the people that get under my skin and type without consulting their brains don’t have anything in their profiles (big surprise, huh?) .

    mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    Is Jeremy Crawford a fishing GOD. Nope, but the one and only time we fished together in a tourney it seems to me that he was the only one that put “dem ser bass things in our boat”. Yup full time guide and “masterful????” fisherman Lawrence Ecklor Got skunked on the slop bass bite.

    Anyway you might notice in an earlier post Jeremy already told us that they didn’t even weigh there fish in with the weights they had already seen it wasn’t worth it. It’s not like he was hiding under a rock hoping nobody would notice..Anyway beyond that I thought shadrappers comment did have a little humor in it. Jerry Boardman argueably one of the best Eye fisherman on the river still looks at me with his half grin when I have a bad tourney day and says,(at least three times now), “I see you found some blind ones.”

    Too far from the river
    Posts: 485

    Wow I just gon here after being outa town for a few days and you guys seemed to put ole shadtrapper in his place and I haven’t seen him since

    Now if he was just hammering on me woulda have done the same

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