What a weekend…
I had the pleasure of fishing the Team Supreme tournament this past weekend out of Lacrosse. The days were just about perfect…. If you are a golfer. Friday brought us the high pressure that accompanies the rains. Things were bound to be slow going. We fished pool 9 with limited success. The fish we did manage to catch were good ones. Anyway after fishing a solid day and having poor success I decided to spend the day on pool 8. I fished around and stuck a few of the bites we had. Just in practice we could have weighed in about 16lbs. Coincidently the Bass World Sports tourney only took 14 and we were considering fishing this if we were on fish Friday. Anyway, the bite was good enough to put me up on pool 7 by 1:00 pm. We fishing up there for a while and found a school of 2 lbers. So now its 4 and I am armed with fish in more locations than I need so I am hoping to be full of the first spot. We pull into our smallie area guessing we will have 6 fish going between 18 and 20 lbs. Well the fog had set in and I fear the fish must have been sleeping. It was to thick out to run down Goose so we stayed out of the nasty stuff.
Then we run to our number 2 spot with ZERO fish in the boat. This has me a little nervous since these were current fish as well however they were green. On our first pass we stick a couple fish but nothing to keep. I am not sure why the bite was so far off but I am leaning towards the fog. I am not sure if the dark morning vs there normal feeding times had anything to messing this day up but it sure was tough. Me research project for this week is to find out of there are any correlations between the 2 and find alternatives.
So…. Now its 10:00 and we head out to the Lake. After getting to our first spot we see Jimmy Johnson sitting smack dab on it. I am not sure if he had it cleaned out by then or not but he had about 4 hours on it. We stopped anyway and were hoping the school would reappear. They didn’t so we headed to a slop bay since the fig was finally lifting. The slop had a couple biters but still nothing that would go 14. By this time we have missed any part of the good bite and would have to grind them out. We locked back down around noon and many in the lock were only half full. This might sound like a good thing but the competition over here is second to none and I knew we were in trouble.
We headed back down and hit one of my favorite finishing banks and got a few fish in there. We managed a couple but didn’t weigh in at days end. The winning weight was 18lbs however it did take them all day to get there.
Another lesson hath been learned!!!
In recap the lessons I learned are that if your time is limited you need to pick an pool and spend all your time there. 2 days to cover 90 miles of river should not even be an option. I am getting that tattooed on my @ss. I did manage to have fun in light of our failure. I met some great guys and in casual conversation learned differing thought patterns between my peers. Congrats to all who managed a limit.
All I can say is to soak it up because next time I will have on my Game Face. Thanks again Team Supreme.