Pool 13 4/26

  • tennispro
    Sterling, IL
    Posts: 375

    Today I met up with CHAMP193 to fish pool 13. It may have been the worst weather I have fished in 2 years cold, windy and rain . The good news is we caught fish and very good ones we ended up catching 8 fish all over 14″ with the biggest 5 pushing 20 pounds

    I will not say what we used or where we fished (CHAMP193 has a tournament this weekend)

    This was my best day on the water for the size of our best five.

    Thanks for a great day on the water JAson i had fun

    Potosi WI
    Posts: 16


    Thank you so much for showing me around!! You are correct by saying the weather was anything but ideal. We did catch some great fish though!! Hopefully they stay put and will be going on Saturday. If anyone has a opportunity to share a boat with Jeremy take him up on it, you won’t regret it. First class gentleman for sure!! I had a great time and learned a lot about pool 13. Looking forward to fishing with you again soon. I will let you know what I find tomorrow and how things worked out on Saturday.

    Thanks again!!

    Sterling, IL
    Posts: 375

    Okay now I can talk more about this trip Jason caught one 15″ fish on a spinner bait. The rest came on Swimjigs. I caught my 4 fish on one of my home made jigs . Jason got his other fish on a Brovarney jig I think. Most of the fish did not come off any structure. We did pull two nice fish off each side of a sand point that fell off into about 8 foot of water. The rest were just starting to move shallow.

    Oh yeah this was in Spring Lake,


    Posts: 14

    So how did he do? My buddy took 2nd in one of them on the 28th.

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