I was able to hit the water this morning around 9 and fished until 1:30. The bite has drastically improved from last week and a big factor in this is the increase in water temps. The water temp was at 48 degrees when I started and was 51 and climbing when I left. Most of the fish I caught were relating on the break from shallow water that quickly broke into 10+ feet of water. As is often the case, when I went to take the first pic, the batteries in the camera were dead
You would think by now I would carry an extra set. Anyway, nothing huge today, but did end up with 6 fish 15″ and bigger with 2 dinks mixed in as well. Lipless cranks and swim jigs were what worked for me today. The bite should get better with each day now that we are on a warming trend for the rest of the week.
April 15, 2007 at 9:52 pm