Navionics or Lowrance Hotspots chip

  • ozzyky
    On water
    Posts: 817

    I’m looking into purchasing one of these units and they seem to be pretty similiar. Anybody have any advice to which one they feel is better. I see cabelas has them on sale: Navionics® HotMaps™ Premium 2006 Electronic Charts $100.00

    Lowrance Fishing Hot Spots Elite is going for $80.

    Any differences or is this like a ford vs. chevy thing?

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I don’t think this is a Ford /Chevy Debate, in my mind. I believe the Navionics Chip is the 2006 model @ $100, but I believe that Chip is far Superior (has way more lakes and more high definition lakes) than the Lowrance HotSpots map. Don’t quote me, but if I had to choose between the 2, I would go Navionics Premium.

    Wade @ Jolly Ann could confirm this!

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    This isn’t my realm, but I’ve been really happy with my Lakemaster chip.

    Have I used the Navionics? Nope. I bought a H2Oc and put a Lakemaster chip into it. I was surprised when I saw Pool 8 listed as one of the surveyed waters.

    There are pro’s and con’s to each chip. Do a search here on IDA for Navionics and Lakemaster. In the 10,00 or so posts, I think you’ll find enough info to make an educated guess.

    If you are a lake fisherman, you’ll love the 1ft contours.

    Doug Bonwell
    Cedar Falls IA
    Posts: 887

    Not to but in on this post, but which is best for the Mississippi?

    Posts: 20

    I think I’d go with Navionics or Lowrance, I have both chips. I had Navionics first and for a guy like me who hits so many metro lakes, having those map guide helps a lot. Lowrances is the ultimate but you if you don’t fish the bigger lakes much it won’t help you cause mostly lakes listed are the bigger lakes. I know Navionics is pretty good with the rivers. I didn’t check on Lowrance to see how the rivers are…i’ll look tonight and get back to you. But you can find a used 06 navionics chip for a very good deal so nothing wrong with that choice.

    On water
    Posts: 817

    Thanks for the responses guys. I’ve been trying to find out but am hoping someone can answer this. Does the Lowrance have the Mississippi? (pools 3, 4, 5, 5a)

    Dallas, WI
    Posts: 1003

    Do you have that chip duckilr?

    Posts: 5130

    Anybody know the price on the XL 9 chip?

    Mississippi River
    Posts: 997

    It’s on order, I think it was 199$…hope to have it soon!!! I’ve heard that it’s the shizzle!

    Germantown, WI
    Posts: 19


    I think it was 199$

    Most places it is $199 but I found it for $176 at Boaters Land.

    I just put my order in for one. It also has the Tennessee-Tombigee Waterway which I’ll be fishing for the Stren Series.

    This site also has the ’07 Navionics chips for $138 and most places they are $150.

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