Got some good ribbin’ going here guys! I’m wondering if y’all could skip the race until next summer…………..
See……….the “vollies” would continue until ice over, no one would know for sure, and then it’d have to at wait until at least spring! “Why?” you ask? Well…………………..I figure if y’all can carry this out long enough, I can heat my house from all the hot air coming off my computor screen!! 
Then again, all the BS might plug my septic too! 
So…………then there’s this………….at the beginning of this whole adventure, it’s asked by pitbull, “what boat would you buy? Lund’s don’t count.” Why isn’t anyone bringing this up? Does this mean that everything you all have mentioned so far can’t compare to a Lund? 
Maybe I should be like James and do the “duck and run” now!!!