Good Luck at the Kfan! May you be blessed with the bites that count… I for one and pulling for ya!
April 30, 2003 at 6:17 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Mississippi River » Mississippi River – Bass » High water ?
Good Luck at the Kfan! May you be blessed with the bites that count… I for one and pulling for ya!
Let’s see, first Iowans were fish-hogs, then we were rude and ill-mannered; I believe next it was poor seamanship and bad boat-driving skills, and now we’ve moved on to poor spellers.
Hey Crawford, whaddaya say we start our own website called, and kick these Minnesotans out?
I 4 1 am very intrigued by JC- he writes extremely informative posts and had the kahonas to make the big run. If you want to check tourney history all the way to BASS and FLW many of them seem to be one (sp?) by the person finding the different pattern or making the long run. I hope the target on his shirt does not keep JC from sharing what seems to be a very scientific, informed voice of experience. If he makes the right move, a big win could win him a boat- maybe even one with a red target on it so everybody could either follow him to new spots- just like the busch beer or fuji film boat, it would be made for tv. Keep up the good posts JC and I for one hope that the next time out you come out on top.
Right about now I could use a little encouragement. The target in my profile says it all.
Encouragement, huh? Well, JC, for the record I think you are a very knowledgeable basser with a great ability to think critically and objectively. I for one appreciate your informative posts as they’ve given me a lot of info to ponder. You are the master sensei! LOL Plus, you hooked me up with one of the best books I’ve read…the Handbook of strategies. As I’ve said, I plan on bouncing some of my strategies off you this season in hopes of learning from my experience (mistakes?!). Those plans are on hold for the moment as the boat’s in the shop and I have a little fun activity known as finals! Anyway, ignore any negativity as the great majority of us here want to learn from each other, not steal spots or trade insults.
Question to everyone since I strictly fish pool 8 (though I want to check out 7 one of these days)…
What makes you switch pools? Do you just have a variety of spots in all the pools and you’d like to check out a certain rockpile or brushy bank? Or, do you check out water levels and clarity? As a follow up, how do you handle navigating new water? I’m always a bit nervous about venturing off the main channel in unfamiliar areas even though I have a map…I’m concerned about the usual suspects: wing dams, shallow water, stumps, etc.
p.s. Lay oooff us Minnesoootans! We dooon’t have an accent! LOL
I can tell you why we switched pools that day. The fish JC had on 9 weren’t cooperating and we couldn’t risk wasting a day waiting for them to turn on. He asked me if we could catch fish up on 7 and I felt confident that we could. I’ve only been fishing up there my entire life and Bass fishing tourneys up there for at least 17 yrs. I have a pretty good sense where the fish were going to be and what they would bite on. We went up there and it was pretty predictable.
In general though running from pool to pool is a common thing in this area. Sometimes fish for some reason seem like they aren’t biting on pool 8 , but are jumping in the boat on 7. Who knows why. The key is making the decision based on your gut instinct and how the fish have bit in the past. Sure, water levels/clarity play a part, just as much as your instincts do.
As far as unknown bodies of water, watch other boats to see how and where they run. A good depth finder is hard to beat too. If you don’t know, go slow. Finding someone to take a boat ride with is a great thing to do as well. If you have any more ?’s PM me or ask’em here.
The one KEY word I saw in your post Tom.
That says all you need to know about why you decided to go where you went. Confidence baits in confidence spots are far better than random tossing of baits and following others. Even if you have to move a long ways.
Hey, wasn’t this post originally about fishing in the flooded trees???????
And what is this frickin fruit’s deal anyway????? Get that nana some valium or sumthin. LOL
Yeah, sometime last year if I’m not mistaken.
You get a big enough flood and I’ll bet you’ll see some of those bananas floatin’ in the trees. Especially around the Shore Acres area.
I think he’s doing the banana peel slide.
Cliff they are saying it was fuel related. I asked what else can I do. I feed it 92 octane, and am meticulous with the oil mix. Even fed this motor Merc perfomance blend. Didn’t get my block today, so now I may not get broke in for KFAN. Took me 5.5 hours to get through the 6000 rpm barrier when the motor was new. My partner has a good backup boat though, so we may be in stealth mode, in his boat if I’m uncomfortable with my break in time. The speed is fun but after the first spot it doesn’t make a tinkers damn.
Why’s your tongue hanging out? I mean…………I’m used to the buggin’ eyes but what’s with the tongue? Is it from running between pools? Or is it from all the guff you take?
I think the banana’s got an itch but found his solution in an episode of “Bear Country USA”.
As for fishing the flooded timbers and forest floors…………..I’d like to add to the question. When pursuing fish in these areas, how deep into the timbers do you guys like to go and do you ever abandon the boat to get in real deep? Do you sling weedless presentations………..plastics…………topwaters? In the last few years of big flooding, I’ve seen fish right at the water line, very active, but reluctant to pay any attention to anything I’m putting in front of them. What’s your favorite/go to/confidence method for the water logged areas?
TLH………….was that an attempt at humor?
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