Lowrance for graphs, I just don’t think they can be beat, I like the displays and how they show up on the graph, I think they have good controls and they do what you ask them to do, the Garmin I replaced would not give me the control I wanted, Lowrance will. I also think they do a good job giving a very good value for the money with great displays and the power they offer. Overall I just don’t like the looks of the other units (eagle not included, since they are pretty much the same units) I think there is a lot of personal preference, for a long time I disliked my x51, then I got the faith to turn off the auto functions, and it turned out to be a very good unit. Currently I have a Lowrance 111 on the dash and a 337 on the front.
That being said I took the flasher (lx3) off the front of my boat right now, and I plan on running my Lowrance 337 up front, the real test is if I actually end up keeping it on the bow or putting the flasher back on. I’m a diehard flasher guy, I have full confidence that what I see on a flasher I can read and hopefully catch, instant feedback that a flasher offers is nice. SO up until now I thought every good boat needed a graph and a flasher, but I’ll put it to the test this year, plus having the mapping up front on the bow will be nice for the guy (me) controlling the trolling motor.
The new side scan sonar hummingbird look pretty interesting too, but a little to spendy at this point to consider.