I think I’m in the mid 3’s…GPA..semester ends in a few weeks, hope to have around a 3.7 by then.
forgot to mention, I’m in geometry (sophmore class) Humanities english (AP class) and Humanities History (AP Class) I should be doing better, but i’m no dummy I guess sometimes I spend more time on fishing than homework OK who am I kidding…I spend more time fishing than homework ALL THE TIME
for last quarter i had a 3.833 and at mid quarter i had a 4.0 for this quarter!!! hows it going done there mr. Brovarney? Did you have your self a very merry christmas? you think you would have an open seat in the spring if i make a run down to your neck of the woods chasing the hawgs down there?
Grades are in!!! I ended up with a 3.833 again for the quarter and that is also what my semester GPA ended up being. i just couldn’t get that math grade raised up to an on on the final so no 4.0 on this semester. I am off to a good start on the new semester however so things can change. I am seated at a 3.6 for a cumulative and that is only going to go up!