Team Supreme in case you missed it…

  • jeremy-crawford
    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530



    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    How can guys who have pre-paid for the remaining events get their $$$ back?

    la crosse
    Posts: 280

    I’m guessing not, i just got back about 2K worth of winnings due to NSF! Now, don’t the winnings come out of the tourney sign up monies? That shouldn’t even be an issue of NSF unless he was robbing peter to pay paul! I’m very upset with the way the company has treated fellow outdoorsman- which i thought would never be an issue. I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ALL OF THE PEOPLE THAT HAVE RECIEVED CHECKS BACK DUE TO NSF FROM TEAM SUPREME LATELY AS WE NEED TO UNIFORM INTO A TEAM TO COMBAT THIS ISSUE!!!!!!

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872


    That sux Jim. I’d be too.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    Did you get an nsf from the the one in lax that joe and I finsihed 2nd behind you?(Northstar on the 24th) I haven’t got a notice yet.

    la crosse
    Posts: 280

    yes, both the one on the 10th and the one the 24th. Bones i guess got a check back also.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    It wouldn’t surprise me if the Feds have locked up everything that’s associated with Nevin until his issues are resolved. The money may very well be there, but no one can do anything until the Feds are done.

    That’s probably the reason no one’s been answering the phones either.

    Like I said, it sux rocks, but there could possibly be a reason other than the money’s been spent somewhere else.

    I hope you get your money.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    I am sure the Feds have frozen all assets. If he is under investegation, the Feds have lock everything up!!

    Suchs though Jimmy.

    Marion, IA
    Posts: 65

    Agreed…the doors are most likely locked and all assets tied to the owner/accused have been frozen. The feds frown upon things such as money laundering and mail fraud…

    Posts: 68

    I just went to check their website to see if there was any info and the sites down. I’m not sure if it’s temporary but it sure looks like the doors are locked.

    Alex Welter
    Bangor, WI
    Posts: 306

    the website is down now……kiss team supreme goodbye…wonder if they’ll honor the gift certificate I won at a tourney….haha

    Sterling, IL
    Posts: 375

    Guys I have an update that was in the Newspaper the other day, but I have been busy and not able to post it untill now. Charges have been filed against Nevin for WIRE FRAUD and a few other things. A warrant was issued for his arrest on Tuesday, but at the time of the article he had not been picked up.
    I did hear at work yesterday that he was picked up on Thursday sometime. I also heard the reason that some people are getting NSF checks is because the feds have everything frozen until they find out were all the money to start Team Supreme came from.
    This is an all around bad deal for everyone, the guys that got screwed out of money and then the Bass guys that are loosing another tourny trail.


    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Thanks for the update. Keep up up to day on any and all info on the case. I am sure there are many of us that are more than interested in the events.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2839

    Team Supreme is no more. Nevin supposedly bilked over 40 investors out of over 9 million dollars in a Ponzi scam. I hear they have been on to him for over a year and were just building their evidence. I feel sorry for his employees.

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Are you sure Team Supreme is dead as well, These were 2 seperate businesses segragating them. I do know ownership was transferred over to chase prior to this going down. We know about the investment side of things but Team Supreme was not listed form what I see.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 182

    With Team Supreme going down I’m going to have to change brand of swim jigs, so what are the hot colors of Brovarney’s jigs as I’ll have to be ordering some. You can PM me if you don’t want to broadcast what are the best colors. Thanks for any info

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417

    The best colors depend on many variables. JC is well educated on this and I’m sure can give you some good info…

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    Nevin transferring ownership to whoever wouldn’t make a sh*t difference if Nevin intermingled even a penny between the two entities. I imagine he used some of his personal money to start the Team Supreme Crp. and that would have been dirty money. If it was dirty money the govnmt. will yank it all.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    I agree Eron. It’s going to be a long cold winter for TS. Right now it’s impossible to determine the in’s and out’s of this whole ordeal. One thing’s for sure, it will all shake out in the end.

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