I’m confused,(more than normal),I fished the Black River and the connected sloughs right after the tourney and then 2 days later- trolling or dragging crawlers for walleye. As I mentioned in an earlier post we caught some Bass by accident. I assumed the bass were being released out on the channel but regardless we spent a lot of time from the Airport down to the entry of the B R into the main channel.. Why didn’t we see a single dead Bass, not one?????… but in all this my question is why did the fins get clipped in the first place??? That means the fish had to be handled at least one extra time,(probably for the longest time interval yet), stressed again, and damaged. And electroshocking ofcource because the Dnr and federal fishies do it doesn’t stress fish …Right!!!!! Unless ofcourse you wanted to stress them again for a reason. Sidestepping the way the article reads how many times does the DNR of any state have to do this pen thing without catching on to the fact that it adds to the kill and stresses fish… again unless the purpose from the start is to generate more fish kill,( no fearless leader I am not even talking about where the 500+ dead fish came from).Now I’m talking about the additional fish death that the pen, handling again to cut the fins and shocking thing caused.???
Some issues to be seriously discussed should be smaller limits, and a predefined distance from the landing that is the max. Also whats wrong with two weigh-ins a day??? I would also be curious what percentage of the dead fish which we didn’t see floating,( not one), were smallmouth. Considering the differences in the two species maybe it should have been largemouth only in the time of year frame that the tourney took place.
Either way we are back to the same old same old again… apparently some folks still think that all fisherman catch and release bass in their normal day to day fishing. Wrong… I see Bass in numbers in peoples livewells almost everyday… yah see as part of my job I need to see what others are catching and since I’m not shy … I probably look at 25-35 livewells or coolers, or stringers a week. If you don’t think 500 bass are taken home to eat every month,(probably every week), on pools 8 and 9 combined you are being kind of naive. Unless I misunderstand which of these fish were dead I would say 100%.
No offense to the bluegillers, but since bluegills have come back so well they are the live wells I usually see bass in, and I honestly can’t remember a live well with bluegills that didn’t have some bass in it or when asked didn’t say they would have kept legal bass if they had caught some. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with then keeping them…
So if the DNR really feels that 500 fish dying ,( and that many fish dying is very sad in anyones book and any pecentage above 10% tourney fish kill is not exceptable), then why do we have a 6 fish take home limit 365 days a year???
Again it is not only a better Article to talk about the terrible tourney guys killing all those fish, but in every sense it is in the interest of the papers readers to support there fears and assumptions… since anyway you look at it the political clout and for that matter the much smaller numbers of tourney fisherman makes them a very easy target. Some of you might want to read through the thread that Slop posted about Bob Lamb’s report on financial rewards of the tourney.. which includes past Bass and Walleye tourney attacks by the paper. interesting scenario.. get reemed a couple years back for robbing the community of hundreds of thousands if not over a million of dollars, and all of a sudden for a few years we see a complete ..excuse the term.. flipflops and a positive article..only to have the shot across the bow come a few days later.
My purpose here is really only one thing… ,(whether it is the DNR, Lax Newspapers, Peta, animal cruelty groups,or nontourney fisherman, the actual true reason for the outrage over 500 fish dying, (which I’ve already said was unacceptable), undoubtably includes some very noble reasons for the outrage, but at least as many or more of the outrage…(when we’re truly honest about motives and subconcious influences) is motivated by personal and political aggendas. Get real killing a fish is killing a fish… if yah fish you kill fish even if you are 100% catch and release. So either stop fishing or get the whole picture in clear perspective. It will never be acceptable to have a 20% fish kill,( if the tourney and fish handling actually killed that many), in any catch and release tourney, but in the big picture the main result unless the DNR is misleading us about fish populations is really very insignificant. But seeking to improve tourneys live release is not, lets just make sure we don’t get all fired up for the wrong reason…