kizew…….. thanks for putting in that explaination of what it’s like to be in the back of the boat. I know most, if not all boaters probably started out fishing from the back of someone else’s boat, but it’s nice to see the words of the tribulations in print.
Basically it’s a crap shoot come tournament day for the non-boater. It’s the luck of the draw, and you’re at the mercy of the boater. You get a good one, and you may cash a check, if not…. at least you got to spend the day out on the water doing what you love, whether you caught a fish or not.
I have all the respect in the world for the boaters, and understand the expenses they have. But like you said, we’ve got expenses too, and sometimes it’s hard to justify them if you don’t even weigh in a fish. Hell, if I hadn’t already paid for my room and my entry fee when I found out that my “guaranteed boater” was backing out on me at the last minute, I’d probably be staying home this weekend.
Ok, enough rambling.. just wanted to say thanks for seeing it from both sides, and good luck at Winneconne!