New DNR Drinking Laws for WI Boat Landings

  • rgeister
    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    The WI DNR has decided that users of the WI public water-way boat launches (and it can be extended to private launches) that due to liability issues and safe boating initiatives alcohol will be limited to one (1) drink each person…

    Luckily, the local Wisconsin cup manufacturers have answered our prayers…

    Posts: 168

    Thats awesome!

    I think all cheeseheads should be required to use cups that size. That way they can puke without getting it all over.Sure they may still keep drinking out of it…..but does it really matter to a cheesehead?

    A often used quote from cheeseheads “What comes up…must go back down…….Buuuuuuuuurp…….Cheers”

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 146

    Those are shot glasses where I come from. We just strap
    1/4 barrels to our backs, and hang the hose off our caps!

    I got drunk for the first time, at the tender age of 3,
    and puked on my parent’s bed, where they put me to sleep it
    off. It was at my cousin’s confirmation party, where I
    asked my mother(raised with German as the household
    language), if I could have some beer. She held up two
    fingers, spaced about 3/4 of an inch apart, and said,
    “you can have this much”. Being the resourceful son
    I was, I went to the first uncle maning the pump on
    the half barrel, and said, “My mother said I could have
    this much”, and my uncle laughed, and squirted a little
    beer in a cup. I waited until there was a new uncle
    manning the beer barrel, and repeated my claim of my
    mother’s permission, and that uncle squirted some
    beer in a cup. I have a bunch of uncles
    When my mother was told that her young son was looking
    kind of wobbly, she found me, and asked me how much
    beer I had, and I held up two fingers, and said, “I
    only had this much”. A couple of my uncles were watching,
    and one said, “Yah, I gave him a squirt”, and then another
    said the same thing, and another, and another. At that
    point, I left the party, and was taken home…

    Oh by the way, CHEESEHEADS ROCK!

    Big Bass Bane

    Alex W
    Bangor, WI
    Posts: 306

    I think us “cheeseheads” have the number one party school in the nation as well, we like our beer….can’t say that for minnesota where the teams wear purple….(or variations of it)go bucky!

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