Pool 2 high water bass’n……………kinda

  • Outkastconnor
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 98

    Sunday despite the high water I decided to venture out on pool 2 south of the 494 bridge. I have never seen this part of the river flowing as hard as it is right now!

    Besides Grey Cloud slough I have had limited success on this pool for largemouth. We fished through several cuts and found access to water that you normally can’t get to but with limited success. It seemed no matter what the water temperature or depth the fish were scattered on shallow falts with wood and flooded grass. Why these fish don’t use rip rap or gravel flats I can not figure out. I found some great looking muddy bottom and sand bottom bays with 3-7 feet of water with clumps of weeds and stumps and found 0 fish! Anywhere south of Redwing I have found this type of water to be extremly productive this time of year.

    My question is, is it just that this particular pool does not hold a good population of largemouth or do these fish pattern that differently from everywhere else? With water temps from 55-61 you would think these fish would be setting up on beds or very close by, why would this fish not use the primary water? Has anyone had success on this pool?

    I’m not a river rat but I can usualoy find a fish or two on the river and year after year there only seems to be one area on this pool I can pattern fish and find numbers and even then it is not that productive. Any thoughts?

    St Paul Park MN
    Posts: 220

    Water clarity! I dont fish for largies but really there are olny a few areas that can support these fish year round and with the low clarity in 2 you dont get the weed growth you would see down on p4 and south. Either that or the eyes eat all there fry . I do agree though. Even P3 has some killer smallie fishing but we have never had near the results in p2. I did catch one largemouth this year tossing cranks and he was over gravel in some good current Must of had a lunch date with the eyes

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    A good friend of mine was working the lower section of P2 about 3 weeks ago. He found some very nice, big lg mouth down there…..some pushing 4-5lbs……..

    They are there, you just have to find them…….

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 28

    Over the years on this site, people have said that the LM population on P2 is not good. P3-P4 seem to be much better for bass than P2.

    What about White Bass, where do the White Bass usually hang out? Are they in the current or back in the slack water?

    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 98


    I have found some giant Largemouth in pool 2 but only in one certain area. Gray Cloud slough is the area I found them all in, do you know if this is where he was?

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    I’m not at the liberty to disclose…….

    However, he said he was on P2 again a couple of days ago……..Had one 21″, a couple of 4lbers, and a bunch of 15-16 inchers……

    I guess if I fished Lg. Mouth…..I would probably be out there with him……..

    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 98


    I see, does he by chance drive a tan and blue ranger?

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    nope…..just the opposite……a 15′ river rat tin beater…..

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    White bass are everywhere dude..they will be spawning out in a while too. They mostly go where the bait is, but they seem to really like sand beaches and wing dams a lot. You can catch them on topwater in 30 fow, they bust the bait on top. last year we fished them on pool 8 in about 10 Fow behind a wingdam on a sand flat. u could see them busting on top so we tied on poppers and whammo. we caught probably 150 or more whitebass in an hour and a half or so between 3 ppl.
    Gary-21″ largie and a “couple 4’s” geeze that guy knows what hes doing!

    Burnsville, Minnesota
    Posts: 75

    I’ve looked all over this place. Grey cloud seems to be the ticket. There are a lot of nice ones in there. I have no idea why they can not be found in healthy numbers anywhere else. Maybe it is the water clarity issue?

    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 98


    White Bass are easy to catch on any pool. I was talkn largies on that pool. I have found several fish in a certain slough But finding them in numbers anywhere else was an issue. Thanks for all the input guys.

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