In & Out.

  • fish_any_time
    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    I guess I can understand all points of view of which some I did not consider. Obviously it’s a marketing ploy designed toward the largest audience for the product….This type of thing goes on all the time. It goes on so much that I would consider myself immune to it to a point. I do not consider it offensive in today’s society.

    My guess would be that this type of publicity will dramatically increase the number of hits that Reaction Innovations website receives and in turn will increase Reaction Innovation’s market share because people such as myself are unfamiliar with the product that I now do intend to buy. The product will still be available for the consumer by either on-line or other retailers.

    IMO the people who loose will be the retailer that chooses not to carry Reaction Innovation’s products and the woman’s rights group.

    I am not choosing sides, this is just my 2 cents.

    Arkansaw, Wisconsin
    Posts: 945

    I suppose the next thing to come is a lawsuit over the “mental anguish” of their kid! Hogwash!! These 8-12 year old kids drive themselves to Gander? Didn’t think so then these activists need to do there shopping elswhere…I personally am sick of the minority telling the majority what’s good for them! My $.02

    Prairie du Chien, WI
    Posts: 46

    i dont think gander should have taken them off the shelves, its just a fishing lure, but i do see why they might of. i took a look at that link posted earlier to reactions’ site, some of those names are pretty racy, ballbreaker, vixen, sweet beaver. But gander is compromising business i mean if it was a top-seller last year there is some money to be made. i agree though, that the minority is always overruling the majority, which i do not understand.

    Posts: 71

    I agree with Gary. If I had children, I wouldn’t want them to see that stuff either. If I used that bait, I would buy the knowckoffs or buy direct from React. Inn. I can respect Gander for their decision. 2 cents

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417

    Here’s my take (not that anyone cares ).

    First off, of course the Reaction Innovations “Sweet Beaver” name is greatly suggestive, but the bait was actually named by the inventor (Andre Moore) back in 2001 after his FLW Open win on BEAVER LAKE . Andre then followed up just few years later with another win on Beaver Lake while using his now known Sweet Beaver for bed fishing.

    HOWEVER, Andre Moore’s success should’ve been all that was need to launch his new lure into the bass fishing world. I, too, FULLY agree that some of the names are tough to explain to the kids. I have an idea, lets see what IDA thinks of their names. Jeremiah already posted their link so I’m sure I can post a few of their color descriptions…right?

    Can I say…

    Dirty Sanchez ?

    Coonasty ?

    Penetration ?

    I am half expecting this post to be edited…

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417

    PS- Awesome bait though… .

    Posts: 649


    Here’s my take (not that anyone cares ).

    1st – You’re right, no one cares what you think

    2nd – I think you would need to explain half of those to me let alone, someone’s kids

    Marion, IA
    Posts: 65

    The U.S. economy will fall into a world of $hit if the entire country stopped using sex appeal in marketing. News flash to this group—sex appeal sells. We know Jessica Simpson can’t cook, but she’s selling a lot of pizza hut pizzas! This is basic marketing 101 and these liberals need to find another tree to hug.

    Posts: 50

    Mebbe them butch ladies are right… How bout we get rid of everything with the image of a woman on it, perhaps going back a few decades, and keep them once again in the shadows. Aren’t these the same women who were burning bras in the 70’s?? This issue has nothing to do with those lures at all, its just another excuse to bring attention to their cause. By the way mebbe we should tear down the Washington monument also we all know what that looks like

    eldridge, ia
    Posts: 709

    Clever name on the post blue! Watch out or they will be banging on your door.

    I agree the names of their lures borderline on the acceptable, but as pointed out above, if you dont like em, dont buy em. There are a lot of conversations, inuendos (sp?) and things that happen among the sterotypical bass fishing demographic (male age 14-65+)that I wouldnt want my daughter to see/hear/be exposed to, but I still bass fish. I am comfortable that I can raise her the right way and if not, I would choose not to blame it on the lures in my boat. Funny thing is a lot of the knock offs are called beaver as well.
    I dont think Andre Moore probably cares, worked on Kim Bain.

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417

    Kim Bain is overrated !

    Posts: 507

    Now this post is pretty darn interesting!!!!!
    There are a lot of good points here by everyone. Ive never used any of this stuff, but it looks pretty good and unique.
    IMO to me as an adult, I find it all amusing, the names that is, For their target audience, they could easily sell just as much using just the names and no pictures.
    After reading all the posts, I am still quite divided on the subject, myself I find some humor in it all, but I still wouldn’t want my kids exposed to it. And YES I realize all of the sexually suggestive advertising material that is out there, IMO you can see billboards along the highways that are just as suggestive if not a little more, or what about on television? it is all around us. But I am with Gary on this part, you sure as heck wouldn’t get away with the kids taking them for show and tell!! But, if children are able to understand the sexual nature of the images, its not long before they will understand what a fair amount of the names could represent.
    Like I said, I find it amusing, but I understand some of the points. I bet those women won’t argue about the ballbreaker product if they put a Woman holdind a 3 foot pipe wrench over her shoulder either though!!!

    Posts: 104


    Here’s my take (not that anyone cares ).

    First off, of course the Reaction Innovations “Sweet Beaver” name is greatly suggestive, but the bait was actually named by the inventor (Andre Moore) back in 2001 after his FLW Open win on BEAVER LAKE . Andre then followed up just few years later with another win on Beaver Lake while using his now known Sweet Beaver for bed fishing.

    HOWEVER, Andre Moore’s success should’ve been all that was need to launch his new lure into the bass fishing world. I, too, FULLY agree that some of the names are tough to explain to the kids. I have an idea, lets see what IDA thinks of their names. Jeremiah already posted their link so I’m sure I can post a few of their color descriptions…right?

    Can I say…
    Dirty Sanchez ?
    Coonasty ?
    Penetration ?

    I am half expecting this post to be edited…

    I was going to make that point on the colors but i see you beat me to it. i personally get a kick out of it. couldnt names like white trash(RI’s white color) be taken as offensive too? IMHO, some people should quit their darn whining. call it crude sexual humor, but i as a 16 year old male smile every time i see a pack of reaction innovations plastics. it makes me want to buy a pack of sweet beavers in dirty sanchez that much more than a straight up yum wooly beavertail in watermelon. this will just make create more demand anyway. not like its going to stop guys from buying them either. ill just find somewhere else to spend my money.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 172

    The Sweet and Smallie Beavers are my wife’s favorite plastics…she won’t use anything else and at times has gotten mad at me for trying to get her to use a “knock off” or any other lure or presentation for that matter…now if I only get her to buy her own…those dam things are spendy.

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417

    I was actually trying to insinuate that I find some of the color descriptions questionable.

    I can’t help but giggle when I try to play out how Reaction Innovations explained the color “Coonasty” to their Pro-Staffer Ish Monroe? Uh….yeah, that’s refering to roadkill. That’s right…roadkill.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5432


    I am the proud father of three daughters.As their dad–if that package is a threat in some manner-I have not done my job. I am tired of people wanting lawmakers and and the general public to live their lives and parent their children for them. Raise your kids right and no packaging can tear that down. If it prompts questions you are not ready to answer–chances are they have already asked them to somebody else and you missed your chance to be the voice of reason in their life that you should be. They will be exposed to many things you wont’t be comfortable with–teach them how to handle it–don’t shelter them into being unaware of the world.

    Well said Jason.

    I agree that if this bothers my 6 year old daughter than I as a father am not doing my job. She came home from kindergarten and asked me about the middle finger. I did my job and explained it to her.
    If Gander wants to take them off the shelves that’s their right. I will/can still get them at other locations.


    Trempealeau, WI
    Posts: 381

    FWIW- I’ve been buying some really good hand-poured “Beaver” type baits on ebay. The one’s called “Meaty Beaver” are really nice and they come from a small outfit called “Pour Boy.” They are resonable and come in a 3.5″ and 4.2″ models.

    As far as the controversy goes. I’m worn out and tired from all of the controversy going on in the world right now. I just wanna go fishin!

    Shawano, WI
    Posts: 130

    First of all let me start out by saying “Do you ever see male activist groups attacking products that are marketed towards women!”

    Secondly, sex sells! I am currently a marketing and business major at Stout, so I hear about this kind of stuff all the time. Are any of you beer drinkers brand loyal? If so why? Do you like the taste….probably, but what provoked you to buy that brand the first time? I am willing to bet that it was some form of advertisement.

    The main problem with this whole situation is our society in general. I say if you don’t like the packaging then don’t buy the product. That will hurt the company more than giving them advertisement even if it is bad. I agree with what some of you have been saying “that if you raise your child right, then this would not be an issue.” There have been comments that I would not want to have my teenage daughter seen with this (which I would agree even though I do not have any kids), but would you let your teenage son be seen with it? This is just a thought provoking question since our society has made it acceptable for men to be seen with these items where it is unacceptable for women to be seen with it.

    I think many of us forget, myself included, that sometimes we forget where we live. Being a citizen of the United States gives us the opportunity to pretty much buy whatever we want whenever we want. If you look at a more Capitolistic or dictatorship country they do not even have the ability to buy such things. The government tells them what and what not they can buy.

    These are just some questions everyone should consider, and I know my two cents are only as valuable as the next person’s, but it is just a little different perspective.

    Does anyone know when Gander is pulling this product off the shelf? I would like to get some before they are gone.

    By the way, I will get off my soap box now.

    Just a few weeks away and the fun will begin (Bass Fishing)


    Posts: 649

    4 or 5 years at Stout will make you immune to anything

    Shakopee, MN
    Posts: 858

    I am currently on year 3 of 5 of becoming immune to anything.

    Shawano, WI
    Posts: 130

    thats a good one. I take it you either went to Stout, or have partied there. Just ask Bass Boy because he knows what I am talking about.

    Glen- we definately need to get together this year and do some fishing. Maybe an excursion on Pool 9 is in order.


    Shakopee, MN
    Posts: 858

    I agree Ben Stout is good. Hitting the river or lake would be a good plan. You down in LAX?

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