License and Regulations (Spouse) / Thoughts?

  • fluker
    Posts: 242

    I always buy a husband / wife license each year as my wife goes out prefishing with me when she can. When I bought it this year, the guy at Gander told me to be sure and have my wife carry her license on HER when we were fishing. Not me. Said a guy came in last year pissed that the DNR ticketed them because he was carrying his wifes license in his wallet with his (like I do). I do this because the only time she fishes it with me.

    I noticed in the 2006 regulations there in a new blurb stating that you much has your license in your posession.

    The other point I bring up on this is if BOTH of our licenses were in the boat, say in the glove box, would we both get ticketed?

    Pretty tick/tack if you ask me.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Must not be in MN as that has been the law since I can remember.

    IF that story is true (I’m not doubting anyone) THAT has to be the worst pinch I’ve heard! Although getting a ticket because you are on the front casting platform and your life jacket is under a rain coat on the drivers seat is pretty close!

    What state??

    Posts: 242

    Yep, it is MN.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5719


    Although getting a ticket because you are on the front casting platform and your life jacket is under a rain coat on the drivers seat is pretty close!

    Are you kidding? The way I understood the rules, as long as the PFD was in the boat and you could get at it then you were “legal”. Did you really get nailed for that? Did you fight it?

    There are way to many laws on the books that are subject to wide interpretation. How about catching Bass in the spring on Crappie jigs? How about “unattended lines” when you set out a tip-up?

    Keep your fingers crossed that you don’t run into a grumpy CO I guess.


    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946


    There are way to many laws on the books that are subject to wide interpretation.


    Rootski.. yes, your right… many ways to interpit everything if people want to twist words around. I think the only way they could make a law with PFD’s that couldnt be misinterpited is to make it law we have to wear them all the time.

    I’m not pointing at you Rootski.. but there are way too many people out there that have nothing better to do than twist the laws as much as they possibly can. It cant be much fun to be a CO and have to deal with these people all the time. Myself, I believe they twist the laws around too.. we all believe that from time to time. For whatever reason, they sometimes like to go out of their way to make examples out of people.

    As for the PFD’s. If I am not wearing it, I zip it to the back of my chair. I have never had a problem with that.

    The fishing license thing.. you have always had to have a licnse in posession. In the past, if you didnt have it in possesion they would issue you a citation that would turn into a ticket if you didnt mail the license to the warden within a certain amount of time. In the time your license was gone, the citation could be shown to other CO’s until you got your license back. I have no idea how they do it now. If they have computers handy, they can look it up immediately.. but they can still ticket you for not having your license in your possession. It can be worse.. some states make you wear your license. That wouldnt surprise me in the future here.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5719

    Sure thing Dave, I think we’re in volient agreement here. I want to understand what I’m supposed to do and then stick to that. Hopefully there are good solid reasons (either biology or common sense) behind the rules so we should do our best to follow them. Either way if people are bending the rules to suit themselves it’s not the right thing to do.


    Posts: 242


    Maybe I wasn’t clear. The ticket was given to the wife because she did not have her license in her posession. It was in the wallet of her husband who was in the same boat!

    So if I have my license in my boat when I get checked, then I should get a ticket since it’s not on me?

    A little absurd I believe.

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