Ranger Drops Ike

  • Scooter
    Rockford Il.
    Posts: 120


    From BassFan

    Ranger drops Ike 2/28/2006

    Ranger Boats has dropped its sponsorship of Mike Iaconelli based on his behavior at the recent Bassmaster Classic. Here’s the statement from Ranger president Randy Hopper.

    “Based on a series of events that occurred during the recent Bassmaster Classic competition, Ranger Boats is withdrawing its sponsorship and affiliation with Mike Iaconelli. We do not believe that Mike’s conduct during the tournament appropriately represents the deep-seated values on which our company was built and continues to operate.

    “Ranger further acknowledges Iaconelli’s impressive angling achievements as well as his commitment to promoting the sport of fishing. His efforts to encourage others through the platform of fishing are a credit to his many accomplishments. While we regret his actions leading to this decision, we wish Mike well in future ventures.”

    > During day 2 of the Bassmaster Classic, Berkley issued a statement stating Iaconelli would remain a Berkley pro-staff member. BassFan is awaiting comment from Iaconelli’s other sponsors.

    Posts: 1957

    Good! He doesn’t deserve a sponsor of that caliber after his many outbursts. What took them so long!


    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Do you care to list all of his “outbursts” OTHER than the one at the classic? And no, shouting “Never give up” when he won the Classic doesn’t count. Being an individual who stands away from the crowd isn’t a bad thing.

    Don’t think for one minute he’ll go without a boat for very long. There’s one thing about Ike, it’s his ability(good or bad) to get people talking about Bass Fishing.

    Prairie du Chien, WI
    Posts: 46

    He’ll have another boat sponsor in a month he is too good of a fisherman.

    Posts: 1957

    Of course he’ll get into another boat deal. Yes, he get’s people talking “bass”. I don’t disagree with that. He’s one of the top ten most hated athletes for a reason…his outbursts! I personally don’t like the kind of attention he brings to the sport. It plain and simple doesn’t look good and makes the rest of us look like him…screaming idiots. Is this the kind of attention we as sportsman want?? Not me!


    Shakopee, MN
    Posts: 858

    I am not sure what he said, but I beleive that after last year’s classic, that he made some comments, that were not looked favorably on by BASS.

    Albert Lea, MN
    Posts: 354

    You’d think Ranger boats and Irwin Jacobs would be patting him on the back for making B.A.S.S. look bad on national t.v.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    Ike’s options are probably fairly limited for major boat deals after being dropped by Ranger. If you take out all the other boats in the Genmar family (Champion, and Stratos, etc.) and I would guess that Triton isn’t too happy with him at this point, and therefore the Mercury and Brunswick boat group is probably out.

    Ike in a Tracker????


    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080

    I think it was a little harsh, but can see there point! He won’t be without a ride for very long.

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417

    They should put Ike in a Blazer. That way he’ll be going too fast for anyone to hear what he is yelling!

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    Iaconelli on 2006 Bassmaster Classic
    I want to publicly apologize to anyone I have offended by my recent actions during the 2006 Bassmaster Classic. As you know, I am a very passionate person. Sometimes my emotions get the best of me and that is exactly what happened. After finding several of my fish dying, I handled this crisis in the wrong way. I wish I could take back my actions but, I am human and I made a mistake.

    I want to ensure everyone that my frustrations and anger were in no way purposely directed toward damaging safety equipment or degrading the American Flag. I love this country and I love everything that the flag stands for. I am very patriotic and totally support our troops. No group more than professional anglers should feel as fortunate to live in a country that provides opportunity for so many to chase their dream.

    By quoting the famous American President John F. Kennedy, “When written in Chinese, the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters–one represents danger, and the other represents opportunity.” In the spirit of this statement, I ask for the forgiveness from my fans, peers, sponsors and all others who may have been offended by my actions.

    This has been an unfortunate incident and I regret what I did. When things like this happen you have to learn from your mistakes, keep fishing and move forward. This is what I intend to do and hope you will move forward with me.


    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2841

    Ike is a talented fisherman, no doubt. Thank God he is not a school bus driver or something. His temper might have done something else. Bad analogy? You decide. Mike Tyson was just a boxer.

    Posts: 662

    I can see it now Ike in a LUND fish and ski……..

    Prairie du Chien, WI
    Posts: 46

    What about Gambler!

    Rockford Il.
    Posts: 120

    Kris that is his second apolygy.
    Heres his first. It looks like somebody slapped him upside the head and told him to try again.
    The first is the accountability and standard to by which BASS tournament officials make rulings and decisions. There are two parts to this:

    First, after finding all of my fish dead or dying, I immediately called one of the official tournament directors. I was informed by a B.A.S.S. official that there was no dead fish culling rule in BASS and it was ok to cull a dead fish. Fortunately, I was able to revive all but two fish and did not have to cull a dead fish. But I later found out that they had given me the wrong information and it was indeed illegal to cull a dead fish.

    Second, after being informed that I was disqualified under the sportsmanship rule, I highly disagreed with the decision. I immediately inquired about the appeals process and I was told by BASS officials that there was no appeal process to the ruling. No appeal process? So there is no way to protest a decision made by one mans opinion to a situation. The sportsmanship rule is a gray rule and I do not believe that I deserved to have my days catch disqualified. Was I the first angler ever to use profanity during an event? No. Was I even the first angler to ever damage a light pole during an event? No. Was I being made an example. Possibly, but there is no way to determine this without a formal process of appeal. In a high stakes true professional sport there needs to be a more accurate form of rules and judgments and a rational determination of those rules and judgments.

    The second issue that this incident brought up is being forced to use other sponsors equipment and boats. If I was in my own boat during the 2006 Classic there is no way my fish would have died in the live well. It is amazing that in the biggest most prestigious event in the world, we are forced to use equipment and boats other than our own. Until we are able to use our own boats and equipment during all of the events we fish in, these event will never be true professional events.

    In closing I’d like to thank my sponsors and fans for sticking by me. I will be looking ahead to moving forward with the rest of the season.”

    Rockford Il.
    Posts: 120

    Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying I agree with Rangers decision. I think Ike is a product of JM industries or what ever company it is the Jerry Mcginnis owns. I think they made him what he is today and they used him up. If they wanted to DQ somebody they should have DQed Swindle last year for getting mad and running without a life jacket and not stowing his trolling motor. So he could yell at another angler for fishing his fish.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    It is wrong for what Ike did. I agree with that……

    But why is it ok then for Berkley to advertise the “going natural” where Ike, Reese, and whoever else is fishing naked?

    All of that is connected with BASS…….

    Again, What Ike did was wrong. No arguing that.
    He was just singled out and made an example of………An example of ESPN and BASS’ creation……

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1003

    The first version of the Ike’s apology was no doubt drafted before Ranger stupidly cut their ties with him. (You’ll notice the “I’d like to thank my sponsors and fans for sticking by me” portion has been removed.)

    A better approach by Ranger would have been to follow the example of what HomeDepot did when Tony Stewart had his issues in NASCAR a couple of years ago. They put him on probation and required him to get anger management help. This turned a negative situation into a big positive for both sides with Stewart winning the championship for them last year and with Tony being much happier since getting help.

    Ranger’s decision was short-sighted and detrimental to all involved.


    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792


    The first version of the Ike’s apology was no doubt drafted before Ranger stupidly cut their ties with him. (You’ll notice the “I’d like to thank my sponsors and fans for sticking by me” portion has been removed.)

    A better approach by Ranger would have been to follow the example of what HomeDepot did when Tony Stewart had his issues in NASCAR a couple of years ago. They put him on probation and required him to get anger management help. This turned a negative situation into a big positive for both sides with Stewart winning the championship for them last year and with Tony being much happier since getting help.

    Ranger’s decision was short-sighted and detrimental to all involved.


    That’s a very good idea Dan.

    Though I’m not sure Tony is all that happy now. Was there a wreck at Daytona he was NOT involved in??

    Oregon, WI
    Posts: 152

    In my humble opinion, IKE is getting his just dessert! I think that BASS and others have led him astray by promoting his obnoxious antics in front of the camera. Not that they are any worse than others I have seen, Jim Bitter and others come to mind, but the acceptance and promotion of these types of outbursts for the sake of the sport are uneeded and unwarranted. Bass fishermen already are viewed by the general public as a bunch of hyped up glory seekers (which may be true in some cases), but to promote the obnoxious behavior and encourage it is wrong.

    Ike should seek counseling for his anger and actions and maybe this can become a story with a positive ending. He is a good fiherman that has been led down the wrong path by many in this industry for the sake of the almighty dollar (again). I hope that this registers as a wake-up call for Ike and he gets back to doing what he does well and that is bass fishing.

    Prairie du Chien, WI
    Posts: 46

    He apologized, i think it needs to be dropped. The guy is a good fisherman and everyone makes mistakes. I have never really seen any other of his “antics” but from what I have seen the dude gets excited when he catches a fish…oh well. Who cares.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 1111

    I look at Ike as being the “Happy Gilmore” of BASS fishing. He has the talent to win a championship, the attitude to attract fans and the lack of self-discipline to throw away that championship.

    Love him or hate him…I guess it depends on how open-minded you are. Many people (especially in the South) were influenced early on to not tolerate behavior of this sort, also there are many others that are willing to accept it. Everyone will have their opinion about him…the real question we should be asking ourselves is this:

    When are we going to get rid of this cabin fever and get on the water?

    Posts: 354

    I definately up for dropping it, it’s gotting enough pub for now! If he lands another boat sponsor, then it can be talked about all over again.

    And life goes on………. WA-DEE-DO-DA!

    Posts: 104

    If i opened up the livewell and found 3 dying fish, i’d be doing more than breaking my running line..i’d be pretty ticked off. either way, he did it,let’s get over it..He’ll have a new boat sponsor..Skeeter maybe? I don’t see Gambler taking him, i don’t think they’re big enough. After meeting Ike, he is the real deal but he’s a really emotional and isn’t afraid to speak his mind. something BASS needs. some of the changes from the old regime in BASS have been good but there’s still a lot of work needing to be done. you don’t see any pro’s on the FLW quitting to fish exclusively BASS.

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