If you walk through any local bait shop and take a look at the tackle selection every color in the world has been applied to some sort of lure. Now I understand the importance of variety and that different situations call for certain colors, but when does it get ridiculous?
These companies are coming out with fades on crankbaits from blue to green to yellow with a hint of magenta above the eye. To me its impossible that a bass is going to register that much detail before striking a lure. Its been said before and I will say it again. Most of these colors are for the fisherman, not the fish.
I am as guilty as the next guy of ordering specific color combinations and having certain colors made in jig skirts but is it really worth all our trouble? Yeah sometimes we pound fish on our little secret baits, but would they of hit something just the same missing that 3 strands of purple? What should we be concentrating on more the baits specific color combinations or the fish?
Just thought I would throw that out there this morning