The Yamamoto Grubs are worth looking into also.
If your wallet is currently too thick that is!
Sometimes, not always, it’s beneficial to keep ‘higher profile’ baits in your box. I can think of many times those expensive baits have bailed me out and put more & sometimes bigger fish in the boat.
A relative of mine was in a tourney last year and the ONLY bait the fish would eat was a Lucky Craft lipless crank. His partner was throwing the LC crank and he tried every bait that matched it and couldn’t get bit. He finally had to switch over to catch fish.
I know 2 years ago a last minute purchase of an expensive bait put a lot of fish in our boat and a LOT of $$$ in our pockets.
Just something to think about.
Don’t get me wrong, I have alot of expensive stuff in the boat, including some that hardly sees the light of day anymore.
And I continue to buy Senkos at a sometimes alarming rate. 
Seems like my swim jig grubs get tore up real fast, and much like the Senkos, the Yama grubs seem to rip faster than average. I wouldn’t mind afew bags, but they probably wouldn’t be my main grub for this application on price alone.
I seem to dump 8 bucks into alot of frogs that don’t last as long as they should, and I am planning on dropping some cash on some pointers soon. Lucky Craft+pike=