Boat Winterization Realization…Question/Concern

  • rgeister
    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    I was thinking about boat electronics this weekend, and realizaed I left my Garmin electonics (depth sounders) in the boat stored for the winter…

    This is the first year I left them in there… just plain forgot and realized it today.

    Does this represent a problem (i.e. cracked LCD panels)? Or, am I just worrying over nothing?

    Sure hope to hear that I have just been overly cautious in the past and most everyone just leaves ’em in all winter long…

    Posts: 1514

    i wouldn’t worry to much, same thing last year for me. garmin gps and depth finder left in, hunting till first week in dec makes it happen. mine were fine…..there built well

    Posts: 1514

    where exactly are you at? it aint been that cold

    Delmar, IA
    Posts: 255

    I haven’t taken mine out in winter for 30 years and have had no problem.

    Posts: 1399

    I haven’t had a problem and I keep mine in all winter. It does tend to kinda need to warm up before it gets a nice clear picture, but after a little while it looks just like it would in the summer. If you don’t plan on fishing any during the winter, for peace of mind, I would bring em in. As the other fellows said, they should be fine, but for what that stuff costs, and to be on the safest side, I’d bring it in just to be certain.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 172

    I agree…I think heat and/or direct sunlight causes more problems than anything else.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 1111

    You mean to tell me that I did something more proactive than you, ReelGuy!? I’ll have to pat myself on the back for remembering to take my electronics off my boat before storage.

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