Federation Presidents Vote!

  • jones_in
    Big Bend, WI
    Posts: 64

    Listen to the Bassfan.com radio interview with Robert Cartiledge on 1/12, it is about 10 minutes long. Here are some of the highlights from that as I heard it……

    The Presidents voted on 1/12:

    30 states voted to stay with TBF

    14 states did not have the authority from their members to decide yet

    4 states voted to stay with B.A.S.S. exclusively (Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Ontario)

    He gave some hints about the other packages proposed. Bassfan Army has offered a media presence, including daily website updates focussing on Federation coverage. Also spots in their Weekend Warrior Championship.

    FLW offered a “monster package” with twice as many spots in Championships as we are used to. Including 12 spots in the All American (6 boater, 6 non-boater) and at least 1 spot in the Forest Wood Cup. They are offering cash directly to the State Federations for operating expenses, a youth program that is funded, and a conservation program. Overall Cartlidge said it is about “more fishing opportunities” for Federation members.

    I hope everyone in the Wisconsin Federation can make it to the next reps meeting on Jan 22 in Wausau to make some important decisions!

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