Procrafts are a very good value. Reason being, You are not buying into the “ranger, Triton or Skeeter” name and their excessive marketing and advertising costs. Decent Ride, Good livewells, Cushy seats, good fishing layout. Do yourself a favor a head to the south for a good deal!
Bassfan I had a procraft when i lived in Fla. Had one for a couple of yrs.If you put that into time on the water it would be like 10 yrs around here in the north. Never really had any trouble with the boat. Now ZX is right, if you want a cheap boat head south. As long as you dont mind a bleached out gel coat,faded out carpet and cracked an checked seats, you can find a dandy boat.Oh yeah, lot of hrs on the motor also. Just keep in mind that you get what ya pay for