B.A.S.S. – Federation BREAKING NEWS

  • fishinallday
    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    Ouch! I am not currently a BASS member. Does this make an impact locally? I was going to Join for 2006.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    I’m assuming by this statement


    To circumvent the actions of these seven individuals in the affected State Federations, we encourage every member of good standing to work diligently and quickly to collect the dues and send them at your earliest opportunity to BASS by Dec. 31, 2005

    that you’d want to get your dues in by the end of the year…

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    WOW! Remindes me of Reagen canning the air traffic controlers.

    Slop…they did a good job in this letter explaining everything…to a non bass guy…with one exception…


    Costs for all these benefits far exceed annual dues, and they are continually rising. Yet the basic Federation membership fee has not increased in six years.

    How have they been staying in business if going by the quote above, they have been in the red for 6 years?

    Rockford Il.
    Posts: 120

    There is more to this than what BASS put out. I can’t wait till we see what the FAB 6 have to say. They were working for us.
    I for one don’t feel like BASS was looking out for my best intrest and I don’t really care what Ray Scott has to say either. He abandoned us along time ago.

    Rockford Il.
    Posts: 120

    The reply from Divisonal Reps:

    Gary, et el,

    After MUCH feedback today from the Presidents\states today,
    We do not know where to start. I thought we agreed NOT to blindside each other with information?

    Just to make it clear to all, we the Reps had NO conversations, or communications with BASS about this proposed dues increase. Nor do we support it in this fashion.

    The federation dues have always been there to benefit the member. A break down of the dues has been published many times, in Bassmaster and Bass Times, Chapter handbooks, and mailed out with chapter updates. It is well documented. It is, 6 dollars to insurance, 6 to the divisional prize purse and 3 to the Federation National Championship expense. While it is true that dues have not been raised in many years. The last time it was raised from 12 to 15 dollars, it was plainly communicated that the extra 3 dollars would go toward making a bigger better Federation National Championship. That’s the same championship that still pays out 50K total prize money with 15K to first place as it did then.

    Even still the increase was proposed, discussed, planned and VOTED into place BY the Federation Presidents. It’s their decision to make. Where does BASS find the nerve to MANDATE to the states that they are raising the dues on STATE’S federation members?? And the arrogance to raise dues on an organization you don’t even own!

    Many states and MANY more clubs have the $15 dollar dues outlined in their constitution and bylaws. That cannot just be changed on a whim by BASS. This change CANNOT take place this year in our opinion.

    Next BASS has put it in writing, plainly and widely publicized, that there would be NO mandates to the federations. Yet here it is.

    We do not know how to make it any more clear than the presidents did at the Classic. The rank and file members and most state federations DO NOT SEE THE VALUE compared to the “cost” of being a federation member now, under current circumstances, much less with a dues increase designed to do nothing more than make BASS some money to offset thier costs. What about the states costs??

    We were VERY candid with you in our last Reps meeting about the issues and concerns over BASS’s handling of the federation dues money, insurance and other items. We laid out a plan to fix it and YOU agreed to meet with us again to resolve those issues. We have a meeting scheduled for Nov. 18th that we JUST set up on Monday October 31st!! Robert talked to you (Gary Jones) on the phone for nearly an hour, over several federation issues needing attention just last Friday yet you NEVER mentioned anything about a dues increase.

    It is our position as the Federation Representatives and as the officers of TBF, Inc. that we have been very open and honest with BASS about all plans and objectives. We wish we could say the same for BASS.

    It is also our position as those who the presidents have elected to represent them, that it is the State Presidents that are the ultimate decision-makers concerning items of the federation business. It is further, our suggestion and request to the State Presidents as of now, to REFUSE to pay any increase in dues at this time. Please contact each of your clubs in your state and have them ignore the notice of increase from BASS and mail their rosters and the 15 dollars dues money to the state federation. NOT to BASS. Then the Presidents can decide at our meeting in January a final path forward for the federation as a whole.

    In Unity,

    The Federation Representitives and Officers of TBF, Inc.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 272

    ESPN has been financing it lately and thus the drastic changes over the past few years. I’m not sure where they want to take it with personallities like Michael “Ike” Iaconelli. Perhaps a show aspect like the professional wrestling on TV.

    I finally was able to see an event this year at Lake Wissota and meet some of the pros. It’s mostly a PR/sales business. Sure some of those guys can fish really well, but overall it was very disappointing. Conditions down south must so much different than around MN/WI.

    Sounds like the six guys mentioned in the letter were trying to do something non-standard with the charter. If so, that’s not good. However, a lot of times important facts are left out of letters like this. It will definitely be interesting to see how things play out in BASS.

    Posts: 240

    “The rank and file members and most state federations DO NOT SEE THE VALUE compared to the “cost” of being a federation member now, under current circumstances, much less with a dues increase designed to do nothing more than make BASS some money to offset thier costs.”

    Not sure if I qualify as a “rank and file member”, but based on the money I won and sponsorship I received for qualifying for the Classic through the Federation, I have no problem seeing the value of being a member. Let’s not forget that despite a large opposition from the “pros”, BASS has continued to protect the opportunity for Federation members to qualify for and fish in the Classic. I’m more than willing to pay an additional $5 a year for that.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Isn’t the Federation (members technically)going to now pay the entire Elite Series Entry fees for it’s federation Champion? Is the $5 dollar hike going to help pay for the $55,000 dollars there?

    Rockford Il.
    Posts: 120

    Yes but not out of the national dues. By the way the Wisconsin state dues are going up to $50 a person. Because we are hosting the divisionals next in 2007 and they need money to cover that. At least that is what I was told.

    Also I think this statement will effect Our fellow IDA’er Jimmy Johnson

    “To circumvent the actions of these seven individuals in the affected State Federations, we encourage every member of good standing to work diligently and quickly to collect the dues and send them at your earliest opportunity to BASS by Dec. 31, 2005. Only those who comply will be eligible to enter a contender in the 2006 BASS Federation National Championship to be held January 11-13, 2006. States that do not submit their rosters and dues of $20 per member to BASS headquarters by Dec. 31 will not be allowed to participate in the Championship, which qualifies six Federation anglers for the 2006 CITGO Bassmaster Classic.”

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 200

    I think we were told at our last meeting that National dues would be paid through our State for the first time.

    Big Bend, WI
    Posts: 64


    For A Few Dollars More
    BASS/Federation Rift Reaches Critical Mass

    Friday, November 18, 2005

    Editor’s note: This is part 1 of a 2-part story on recent developments concerning the relationship between BASS, the BASS Federation and The Bass Federation, Inc.)

    ESPN acquired BASS in 2001, and since that time, the relationship between BASS and the BASS Federation has been on shaky ground. Over the past 3 years in particular, BASS and the Federation have sought to understand one another, but common ground has been difficult to find. Latent tensions may have reached critical mass this morning (Fri., Nov. 18) when BASS VP and GM Don Rucks sent an Open Letter to all Federation members.

    In that letter, he revoked the memberships of the six Federation divisional representatives – Robert Cartlidge, Chuck Rolfsmeyer, Gary Bradford, Joe McKinnon, Mike Dunkerly and Charles Mitchell. Cartlidge also serves as president of The Bass Federation, Inc. (TBF, Inc.). In addition, TBF, Inc. VP Roger Fitchett had his BASS membership revoked.

    Rucks accused those seven people of threatening “illegal” activity.

    In order to properly frame the current conflict, here’s a brief timeline with key events that have shaped the current relationship between BASS and the Federation.

    Understanding The Clubs

    To help properly grasp the size and scope of the Federation, here are a few facts:

    >At about 40,000 members, the BASS Federation is one of the largest groups – if not the largest, definable, single group – of tournament anglers and enthusiasts in the world. Everyone in the business side of bass fishing – including BASS and FLW Outdoors – recognizes the group’s value in the marketplace.

    >Federation members do far more than fish tournaments. Their efforts in conservation activism and youth and other activities benefit all bass anglers.

    > The Federation is the only definable grassroots/weekend angler component of BASS. As part of BASS, it enables BASS to put this sentence at the end of all its press releases: “BASS is the worldwide authority on bass fishing, sanctioning more than 20,000 events through the BASS Federation annually.”

    > The value of the Federation in the bass-fishing marketplace is arguably larger than anyone has realized or quantified.

    Key Developments

    Prior to the 2003 Bassmaster Classic, tensions between BASS and the Federation were strained. State Federation presidents (who are elected by state members) elected five divisional representatives. The state presidents asked those divisional reps to construct a plan in case BASS and ESPN intentionally or unintentionally forced the Federation to jump ship.

    Those divisional reps were referred to as the “Fab 5,” and included present-day reps Cartlidge, Rolfsmeyer, Mitchell, Bradford and Fitchett (no longer a divisional rep but employed by TBF., Inc.).

    A few weeks prior to the 2003 Classic, BASS fired Federation president Al Smith, who was seen by many Federation members as the fall guy for what they felt were ill-conceived strategies on the part of BASS.

    BASS, at that time, was rumored to be considering a weekend “BFL-style” trail, which the Federation saw as a threat to its weekend events. BASS did eventually launch its ESPN Outdoors Bassmaster Series, but not until 2005.

    At the 2003 Classic, BASS and the Federation met under significant tension. Although some things were resolved, the Federations still felt ill at ease. But BASS founder Ray Scott stepped in and did a lot to reassure the Federation. By some accounts, Scott “saved” the Federation.

    Two weeks after the 2003 Classic, BASS announced that former Federation director Don Corkran was returning to that post. The move was seen as a positive by the Federation.

    Things went fairly smoothly until a letter appeared in the September, 2003 issue of BASS Times, penned by then-BASS GM Dean Kessel. In that letter, Kessel accused the Fab 5 (who at that time had formed the United Bass Federation, which later became TBF, Inc.) of wanting “to assume control of the Federation and take over virtually all of its functions.” The Fab 5 disagreed – arguing they were elected by the state presidents – and tensions flared again.

    TBF, Inc. became a stand-alone company meant to act for the Federation as a whole in its dealings with BASS/ESPN and other companies pertinent to the Federation.

    Corkran retired from his position in January 2005, and in July, BASS hired Gary Jones as director of Federation and angler relations.

    A Little More Background

    The Federation is a difficult animal to grasp. At its core, it’s a group of 50 state and international Federations that are stand-alone corporations in the state or country where they do business. The “Federation” is therefore not owned by any one group.

    Each Federation has a president, elected by members. Those presidents in turn elect divisional representatives.

    Each Federation, and each club within each Federation, is different, with a unique style and personality. Some Federation members remain fiercely loyal to BASS, while others have stated they wish to break that affiliation. Still other members could care less either way – as long as they can fish a few days a year with their friends.

    Federation members pay $15 yearly dues, the allocation of which has been printed to be: $6 to fund the Divisionals, $6 to fund liability and AD&D insurance policies, and $3 to fund the BASS Federation National Championship.

    Anglers who advance through the Divisionals are invited to fish the National Championship. The highest finisher in each of the six respective divisions at the National Championship are invited to the Bassmaster Classic.

    Today’s Developments

    Events came to a head this morning when Rucks issued his open letter. The root of the issue can be traced to a dues increase. BASS increased Federation dues from $15 to $20 in October. But the divisional reps said BASS could not institute a dues increase. According to them, BASS may propose a dues increase, but it ultimately has to be approved by the state presidents.

    Rucks, in his letter, compared the cost of the increase to a single crankbait. He also accused the divisional reps of threatening “illegal” activity. Here’s why.

    The divisional reps suggested to the state presidents that they not support the dues increase, and rather than have members submit dues directly to BASS, asked the state Federations to collect the money and hold it until a meeting in early January. At that meeting, the presidents and divisional reps would decide “a final path forward for the Federation as a whole.”

    Rucks felt that action “crossed the line” and stated, again in the open letter: “Presuming they were ‘representing’ the interests of all 50,000 Federation members, these individuals issued a proclamation stating that membership dues for the upcoming year should be withheld from BASS and sent to the state Federations directly. The reps were attempting to take on duties and responsibilities that were never in the scope and spirit of their role.

    “It’s important to note the individuals issued this directive independent of the membership, and their actions run counter to the principles on which Ray Scott founded the BASS Federation.

    “By instructing State Federation presidents to withhold 2006 club/member dues, which must be received by BASS by Dec. 31, 2005, the seven ‘divisional representatives’ have crossed the line. We are compelled to act, and to act decisively. To do otherwise would be detrimental to the sport of bass fishing.

    “Threatening to illegally withhold annual BASS membership dues is a deliberate attempt to jeopardize the business of BASS and operations of the BASS Federation. By authority granted BASS in the BASS Federation Divisional Representatives Group Operating Policies and Procedures, BASS has decided to dismiss the Federation Presidents Advisory members and to terminate this Board indefinitely.”

    BASS VP and GM Don Rucks accused BASS Federation divisional representatives of threatening ‘illegal’ activity.

    So yes, the current argument is about the $5 dues increase. But yes, it’s about much more. It’s about who has the authority to impose an increase, who controls the money, and who controls the future of the Federation as a whole.

    Reps React

    The letter from Rucks was issued as the Federation divisional reps stepped off a plane this morning for a meeting in Orlando, Fla. When BassFan spoke with Cartlidge, he had not yet received the letter.

    BASS was supposed to attend that meeting, but canceled a few weeks ago. The divisional reps decided to go forth with the meeting anyway.

    BASS’s Jones told BassFan: “We had set up a meeting for today, and after the response from the divisional reps to both BASS and the Federation State presidents around the country on Nov. 1, we were so surprised with their deliberate attempt to affect our business and hold the members hostages that we felt it best (to cancel the meeting).

    “And actually, some things did come up where managers were out of town – they had some meetings this week and some other things happen within the management ranks up in NY –but it was not that. We decided to cancel the meeting because we had to get this response up to their letter sent out Nov. 1. We saw no reason to go forward with the meeting after their obstructions to the states regarding 2006 dues.”

    Cartlidge, after he met with the divisional reps today in Orlando, said BASS cannot revoke his position of divisional rep. That authority, according to him, lies with the state presidents.

    “I am still the president of TBF, Inc., and the Central division representative,” he said. “I was elected by the presidents, not appointed by BASS. Until the presidents tell me I’m done, I’m still here. The presidents are the only ones who can remove us. The presidents are the ultimate decision-makers here.”

    And Cartlidge noted he spoke with “lots of presidents” today, who expressed they would “support” him.

    And on why, specifically, he asked the state presidents to withhold dues from BASS, Cartlidge said: “We have been pushing for over a year now for an accounting from BASS of where the current money’s going, and have been unable to get those questions answered satisfactorily. We would need that before sending more money that’s not being accounted for into BASS. The only thing Gary Jones told us is their costs have gone up.

    “The Federation dues, which have been widely publicized in BASS Times and chapter updates, shows exactly where Federation dues are supposed to go. When they increased the dues $3 to fund the National Championship, the presidents voted to do that.”

    Cartlidge also said: “If you take $3 times 50,000 (members) that’s $150,000. But the National Championship is still paying out the same $50,000 we were before. The Federation members are paying their own way and always have, so we need to know where the rest of the money’s going if we’re to okay a dues increase.”

    Robert Cartlidge, Central division representative and president of The Bass Federation, Inc., asked state Federation presidents to refuse to pay the $5 dues increase.

    Jones restated Rucks’ assertion – that the extra money is needed to fund an increase in benefit operating costs. “As the expenses or costs of those benefits increase over time, dues increases are warranted,” Jones said. “And it’s BASS’s prerogative to increase the dues.”

    In terms of a paper trail of where the extra $5 in dues would be applied, Jones said: “There are elements of the membership dues that go against all these benefits, including the two or three primary benefits that were in the past communicated as components of the dues. All those components, as well as others, have continued to rise in costs.

    “There are obviously costs involved with running the business, including benefits provided to Federation members, which go way beyond what the Federation dues actually cover. But at this point, we do not plan to describe specific components for the dues.”


    > The timing of the dues increase was also a major issue. Cartlidge noted that “many State Federations have constitutions and bylaws that can’t be changed with a sweep of the hand. And when we left to come (to Orlando), the dues paperwork had not yet been mailed to the clubs.”

    > Along with a subscription to BASS Times, other Federation benefits described by BASS include: 24/7 AD&D insurance coverage, event liability coverage, conservation programs, Junior World Championship berths, early entries, preferred tournament slots for boaters and non-boaters, six reserved Classic slots, divisional tournament expertise, worldwide coverage on the Internet, the Alliance program, Family Fest, Casting Kids kits and international Federation administration.

    > Although BASS uses the figure of 50,000 to describe total Federation membership, both Cartlidge and Jones agreed the number was somewhere in the low-40s.

    > The complete text of the Rucks Open letter appears below, followed by the complete text of a letter sent by divisional reps to Jones and the Federation presidents, dated Nov. 1.

    – End of part 1 (of 2) –

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    BASS has its “minor league” starting this summer. It is my opinion that they are wanting to migrate the federation to this type of a format which will offer up Classic spots and try to directly take over the federation chapters. I don’t have the time to cover all the actions but I do see a methodical plan in progress.

    Shakopee, MN
    Posts: 858

    By “minor league” do you mean the BASS weekend series?

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Yep, If you look at the feeration, the reason many of the anglers fish it is so that they have a chance at fishing the classic. That being said, Once they make the announcement that the division qualifiers qualify for the classic I think they will draw many of the BFL guys and many of the Federation guys. This will be the changing of the guard in my opinion from the current structure to the “BASS” machine. I fear this is the plan and without our own representitives fighting for our best interests we will be at the whim of BASS. Holding the Classic card is like having pocket aces.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    As we all know, the Classic is the MECA. Do you see this as a major change in the industry that could push the federation “clan” to look to someone like the FLW to try and take over the BASS monster??

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    As long as BASS holds the classic card they are in the drivers seat. To sway the federation members to fish a FLW circuit or move to the FLW big show would take much marketing on the FLW side not to mension an act of god to change perceptoin as them being / having the Super Bowl.

    Posts: 240

    I agree with Jeremy. As long as BASS protects the Classic spots for the Federation guys, my loyalty will remain with BASS and not the State Federation. If BASS elimates the Federation slots, I’ll be out of the Federation, regardless of what they do with FLW or anyone else. My only hope is that if BASS eliminates the Federation slots is that they give them to the Weekend Series circuit rather than the pros. That way at least we’d still have a path to get there.

    Rockford Il.
    Posts: 120

    I think thats what BASS wants. Bass wants the Federation to sever ties that way the don’t look bad. Then they’ll take there classic spots and give them to there weekend series and draw the fisherman from the federation. I think it’s pretty under handed, the way the have been doing things. I will stick with the Federation.

    Read the comments from one of the presidents. BASS didn’t even call them they sent and email. Bassfan called and told them that the membership had been revoked. This is the way BASS handles things.

    Read this.


    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    To All Federation Members,

    The past week has seen some extraordinary, and disturbing, actions taken by ESPN towards the Federation leadership. Many of you may have read various reports on the Internet but in short, Don Rucks, GM of BASS, sent out an open letter to all Federation members, explaining that ESPN/BASS has revoked the memberships of our Division Reps, and dissolved their positions, under the premise that our Reps were not representing the views of the membership. I have attached Mr. Rucks’ letter in its entirety to this email. ESPN has taken this action as we, the Presidents, through our Division Representatives, have expressed our concern at ESPNs mandate of a National dues increase of $5 per member, without prior discussion with the Federations. Mr. Rucks would have you believe that this dues increase is the issue, but in reality, it is simply the catalyst to a situation that has been brewing for some time now.

    When I took over as President 7 years ago, I was absolutely impressed by how the Federation was run at the National level. My only experience to that point had been our own meetings and if you were around back then, I think you’d agree they were filled with lively discussions, but little was getting resolved. But Nationals was an eye opener and I learned a lot. Don Corkran was at the helm back then and he ran the President’s business meetings with a firm hand. Items were presented to the Presidents, discussion followed, sometimes just as animated as our own, alternatives discussed, and after all that, a vote was taken by the Presidents on whether to adopt change or not. It was a completely cooperative process between BASS and the Federations. And if you think about it, it’s how most states operative individually. With the purchase of BASS by ESPN, this cooperative process has been strained. It initially led the President’s to form The Bass Federation Inc. (TBF), as a safety net to help hold us all together in what was shaping up as an uncertain future. And now, as many of us have feared, ESPN has disregarded the process and is mandating changes without consulting the Federation leadership.

    In early November, Gary Jones, the National Federation Director, informed the Presidents that ESPN was raising the Nationals dues from $15 to $20 for 2006. This was the first we had heard of an increase and ESPN offered little explanation as to why they needed additional funding from the Federation membership. A letter questioning this increase was sent to ESPN, through our Division Reps, stating that we were not prepared to ask our members for additionals funds until we understood where the current dollars were being spent and what the additional money would be spent on. We are talking about almost a quarter million dollars! But the biggest issue here is that ESPN eliminated the Presidents from the decision making process. If a dues increase is warranted, I don’t see that the Presidents would not have supported it. It was supported back when BASS increased the dues from $12 to $15 because we knew the additonal $3 went into increasing the payout (and the production) of the Federation National Championship. We were simply left out of this discussion and that’s not right. It also brings into question what other changes ESPN is planning to implement without our input.

    I am personally dismayed at ESPNs actions and have made my feelings known to the other Presidents and ESPN. ESPN has continued, in my opinion, to operate under the belief that you as members join the Federation solely because of what you get in return from BASS. While they do reserve the 6 slots in the Classic for the Federation, I do not believe that is why most members join the Federation. I feel most members join the Federation because they get something personally out of belonging to a group that is more than just another tournament circuit. Whether they enjoy the club atmosphere, the participation in youth and conservation activities or just being involved in our communities, I firmly believe most members get out of the Federation what they put into it!

    If you read Mr. Rucks’ letter, he threatens that if we do not comply with the dues increase, and have our chapters paid up by December 31st, ESPN will not allow our Federation to participate in the National Championship (both Adult angler and Youth CastingKids!). I will keep you updated as this situation unfolds this week.

    At the October Federation meeting, the Board told those in attendance that we wanted to collect all the dues, both State and National dues, and that we would forward the rosters to National along with the $15 per member (as it was then). This change was to accomplish a couple things. One, it would allow us to keep our rosters in sync with BASS much easier. And two, it would keep the Federations in control of the dues money in the unlikely event of a meltdown in the relationship between ESPN and the Federations. In many ways, this is the only leverage we have with ESPN to affect change and to get them work with the Federations and not despite them. Mr. Rucks would have you believe that by withholding the dues we are jeopardizing their business. Interesting that he does not consider ESPN’s actions to possibly be detrimental to ours.

    In light of the current situation, I respectfully request that all clubs submit their rosters to the Minnesota Federation and include the $20 Nationals dues for each member.

    I want to urge all Federation members to try to attend the December 3rd meeting at the Medina so that we can update you on the situation, but also to have a discussion on where you, the members, stand on the current relations between ESPN and the Federation.

    I look forward to seeing you all in December!

    Jay Green



    From: Rucks, Donald B.
    Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 10:26 AM
    Subject: BASS Federation Membership

    An Open Letter to BASS Federation Members

    In response to attempts by the so-called “divisional representatives” of the BASS Federation to undermine BASS and the BASS Federation, and for conduct detrimental to BASS, its members and the sport of bass fishing, BASS has determined that for the benefit of BASS and the BASS Federation, it will no longer communicate with the Federations through the divisional representatives. In addition BASS is revoking the seven BASS memberships of the following individuals: Robert Cartlidge, Roger Fitchett, Chuck Rolfsmeyer, Gary Bradford, Joe McKinnon, Mike Dunkerly and Charles Mitchell.

    BASS will no longer communicate with these individuals in any capacity, nor will these individuals be welcome at any BASS-sanctioned event now or in the future. BASS will communicate only with the State BASS Federations and with individual members in good standing.

    Further, since BASS Federation bylaws require that an individual be a “member in good standing” to hold office, any Federation or club offices they may have held will be impacted. Those states affected by these dismissals should contact BASS immediately to make the necessary changes.

    How The Situation Started

    To clarify any possible misunderstandings associated with this decision, we want all members of BASS to understand its origin. On Nov. 1, BASS announced a $5 increase in annual membership dues to $20 for 2006. Previously, Federation members were paying $15 annually for the benefits of Federation membership.

    In response, presuming they were “representing” the interests of all 50,000 Federation members, these individuals issued a proclamation stating that membership dues for the upcoming year should be withheld from BASS and sent to the state Federations directly. The reps were attempting to take on duties and responsibilities that were never in the scope and spirit of their role.

    It’s important to note the individuals issued this directive independent of the membership, and their actions run counter to the principles on which Ray Scott founded the BASS Federation. Equally important to note is the fact that this $5 membership increase ­– equal to the cost of one crankbait, to put the entire debate in its proper perspective – is necessary and warranted.

    Your BASS Benefits

    Over the past five years the costs of benefits provided to Federation members have increased substantially. Consider BASS Times, for example, the national publication and platform of the BASS Federation. Members receive this publication as part of their annual membership dues, yet a basic subscription, if they were paying full price, would by itself exceed the $20 dues.

    BASS Times is just one example. Other benefits of Federation membership include — but are not limited to –– 24/7 AD&D insurance coverage, event liability coverage, conservation programs, Junior World Championship berths at the Bassmaster Classic, early entries, preferred tournament slots for boaters and non-boaters, six reserved Classic slots for Federation members, divisional tournament expertise, worldwide coverage on the Internet, the Alliance program, Family Fest, Casting Kids kits and international Federation administration.

    Costs for all these benefits far exceed annual dues, and they are continually rising. Yet the basic Federation membership fee has not increased in six years.

    Crossing The Line

    By instructing State Federation Presidents to withhold 2006 club/member dues, which must be received by BASS by Dec. 31, 2005, the seven “divisional representatives” have crossed the line. We are compelled to act, and to act decisively. To do otherwise would be detrimental to the sport of bass fishing.

    Threatening to illegally withhold annual BASS membership dues is a deliberate attempt to jeopardize the business of BASS and operations of the BASS Federation. By authority granted BASS in the BASS Federation Divisional Representatives Group Operating Policies and Procedures, BASS has decided to dismiss the Federation Presidents Advisory members and to terminate this Board indefinitely.

    Next Steps

    To circumvent the actions of these seven individuals in the affected State Federations, we encourage every member of good standing to work diligently and quickly to collect the dues and send them at your earliest opportunity to BASS by Dec. 31, 2005. Only those who comply will be eligible to enter a contender in the 2006 BASS Federation National Championship to be held January 11-13, 2006. States that do not submit their rosters and dues of $20 per member to BASS headquarters by Dec. 31 will not be allowed to participate in the Championship, which qualifies six Federation anglers for the 2006 CITGO Bassmaster Classic.

    For those impacted State Federations, you have new officers to elect. We hope to work closely with all of you as we strive to take our sport and the BASS Federation into an exciting new era without these seven individuals who have attempted to put themselves ahead of the greater good. All of this over a $5 increase in membership dues, an increase that is absolutely necessary and warranted!

    This is a very unfortunate episode, I’ll admit. But we have discussed this with Ray Scott, founder of BASS and the BASS Federation, and he agrees that we have no alternative.

    Ray pointed out that, early in BASS history, a group within the Federation tried to break away and form their own organization. Ray acted decisively, expelling those Federation leaders and then rebuilding even stronger Federations in those few states.

    “It was painful for a short while, but the BASS Federation overall was better off after the malcontents left. That’s the way it will be after we regroup this time,” said Scott.

    For whatever reasons, these former “divisional representatives” have not been representing your best interests.

    I urge you to join BASS in helping build a stronger, more responsive, more vibrant BASS Federation — for the good of our sport.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact BASS immediately.


    Don B. Rucks

    General Manager

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Just to clarify, My position on this is with the Federation to the very end.
    BASS is a corporate monster that may or may not have our interests in mind during the decision making process. The 5 dollar increase while insignificant is not outlined nor was it implemented properly. To make all the clubs go back and contact its members requesting another $5 to be in and accounted for within the next 45 days is irresponsible, and seemingly designed to drive separation between parties. Outlining this and letting this info be known prior to due collection would have made all the difference in the world. As it stands, BASS needs to outline where the money is going to and eat the difference until next year when it can properly inform the federation community properly.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    From an uneducated by-stander, it appears BASS is really putting the screws to the federation, which if my math serves me right, 50k(members) * $15.00 = $750,000 annual revenues. It would seem to me this must have some value to them?? Or is this not a bargaining chip??

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    you are 100% accurate. Unfortunately 750k to them is pocket change.

    Rockford Il.
    Posts: 120

    Bassfan has a interview with Dean Kessel and Robert Cartlidge.

    Posts: 240

    Jeremy, I understand and respect your position. However, I do disagree on the matter of BASS needing to explain the need for the increase or what it is for. The Federation has no ownership interest in BASS and therefore should have no expectation of control on pricing matters. BASS is a for-profit corporation and is entitled to price their products as they see fit. If a consumer (Federation member) does not see the value in the product for the price being charged, then they don’t need to pay the money. BASS cannot force anyone to pay anything. To me it’s very simple, look at what you get (BASS Times, insurance, road to the Classic, etc, etc.) and determine if it’s worth $20 to you. If so, pay it, if not, don’t. It’s very similiar to the $55K entry fees for the Elite Series. There are a lot of people on both sides of the fence, but bottom line is BASS gets to say what the price is, it’s up to the anglers to decide if they feel it’s worth it.

    While $750K maybe chump change to them, the consumers that it represents, along with the combined spending power of those consumers, means everything to the advertisers/sponsors of BASS. There is definitely an opportunity to have an impact on BASS’s business, it just means giving up all the things they provide in return for the dues.

    While my loyalty is with BASS, I absoulutely understand and appreciate the other points of view. I would encourage all Federation memebers to make sure their views are known by the Presidents of their respective Federations, as these are the people that will be dealing with the issues. This will be especially important for the members of the MN Federation as Jay Green will be stepping down (after 7 years) as President. This means someone new will be thrown into the fire and they need to know how the members they represent really feel on this matter.

    One last thing (and I’ll get off my soap box), while my loyalty is with BASS, I still think BASS’s (and more specifically Don Rucks) handling of this situation is absolutely ridiculous. The continued lack of professionalism and communication skills in an organization this size is astounding to me.

    Posts: 662

    $750,000 is pocket change.

    But if the federation actively boycotts all of The BASS Sponsors it becomes an issue.

    How many times did you go to Citgo last year?

    How many times did you shop at Bass Pro Shop.

    If all of the sponsors get the message that bass is loosing it’s base then the whole picture gets better.

    Rockford Il.
    Posts: 120

    I just talked to Rucks and he told me he is watching all the websites and is revoking all memberships from the people that are saying things detrimental to the sport. Plus he says all Federation tournaments will be shared weight.

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    First things first, Rucks is a moron and these ideals will hold no water. This coming from a former Federation State Champ that has no issues other than Rucks irresponsible decisions. The price of 20 bucks seems fair to me. The fact that in the last hour he changes the rules and then throws broad accusations about revoking memberships and such is obscene and in doing so paints a bright picture of just the idiocy on his part. If BASS wants to raise the fee then they are obligated (morally at very least) to do this prior to the collection, budgeting, and completion of the federation chapters filings. Lets just say that you and 50 thousand of your friends are going on a hunting trip Next summer. You were just told by the lodge that the rates went up and that you have 40 days to contact everyone, get the money in, refund money to any and all that choose not to go and then be forced to explain why the ones that you can’t get a hold of can not go because of 5 bucks.
    In my opinion there is one simple answer. Bass and Rucks decision are / were / and continue to be irresponsible. His qualifications / aptitude to run this segment of BASS should be challenged at very least. Ultimatums always divide people and organizations and in doing so they have made a juvenile mistake. The BFL seems to be gaining ground on all fronts and if they take on the federation you will see a shift in what the classic is and to whom it belongs.
    BASS is not the only show in town.
    The ironical part is that I have been a competing and a member of BASS for many years and have been a strong advocate for them. This segment of the journey is not to be shared by myself. Good Luck BASS and keep playing the revoke / No Classic card. It’s the only thing you have left. And Rucks, If you need my info for revocation send me a PM, or better yet why not swing over and I’ll buy you a beer.

    Posts: 144

    It seems apparent to me that BASS wants to sever all ties with the Federation. With the Federation having dibs on the Classic spots, the BASS machine does not have total control over the situation. If the ties are severed they will have total control over all facets of the process from the grass roots(weekend series) through the classic. I don’t think they really care what we (federation anglers) think, they are just forcing us to play our cards.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    I just talked to Rucks and he told me he is watching all the websites and is revoking all memberships from the people that are saying things detrimental to the sport. Plus he says all Federation tournaments will be shared weight.

    Hey Mr Rucks,

    I’m registered under the West Metro Chapter, “Don’t screw the common man”.

    Sadly, from what I’ve seen this could cause a major change in the bass fishing tourney scene. I think having competition amongst different tourney organizations is great. I hope the federation can gather it’s members use their dollars as a show of force turn their backs on BASS. I always root for the federation guys in the classic.

    Maybe it’s time a new “classic” is created. BASS had to start somewhere. If 50k members turn their back on the organization and it’s sponsors this will open some eyes I’m sure. If I were the FLW, I would be running to the dis-banned representatives and formulating plans. This is just one walleye fishermans point of view though.

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