Everstart Fish Kill

  • Scooter
    Rockford Il.
    Posts: 120

    anybody sending this to the LaCrosse paper. I still don’t care for the use of nets.

    Lancaster, WI
    Posts: 483

    The replies were pretty interesting. It makes me wonder if the practice of using a release boat during some of our open bass tournaments is a good idea. If the Largemouth Bass Virus can be spread that easily it seems maybe the old way of weighing and releasing fish back into the channel immediately wasn’t so bad after all.

    Maybe some of the bigger tourneys that have their weigh-ins at stores will be re-thinking their release procedures after this study.

    Mississippi River
    Posts: 997

    Maybe it’s just me and I am reading too far into it, but the Largemouth Bass Virus seems to be a fall back excuse for the DNR when poor testing occurs and poor results are observed. Why can’t they just tell me they screwed up the study, and the fish died because of it?

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872


    Maybe it’s just me and I am reading too far into it, but the Largemouth Bass Virus seems to be a fall back excuse for the DNR when poor testing occurs and poor results are observed. Why can’t they just tell me they screwed up the study, and the fish died because of it?

    That’s EXACTLY what I’ve been thinking.

    Posts: 662

    I hope this is still in the back of your minds.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Yes, I was reminded of it when approached by a guy locking through the dam. He believed that most of the fish died of the LMBV and Bass fishermen shouldn’t keep more than one in a livewell for fear of spreading the disease.

    I then posed the question to him asking how long he could last in a contained unit packed with 200+ of his family & friends with no shelter to the sun and no fresh/circulating air. It’s really sad the LaX fishwrap printed that article w/o any proper facts. It has put a bad taste in a lot of people’s mouths. Mine included.

    Then not to mention they blamed all those deaths on the LMBV.

    I’ll wager all I have that right now you couldn’t find a dead fish after all the ones weighed in at the MSBC this last weekend. LMBV or not.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 172

    During the MSBC Sunday my partner caught a 13″ LM in pool 8 with very bad open sores on one side…could it be from LMBV? Has anyone else seen anythig like this? Except for the sores the fish appeared to be in good health…the thing was a fat little “football”.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 122

    I caught a few this past weekend on pool 8 that had sores all over them. They seemed to be only on the bigger fish. One of them also had some kind of green growth on his lower lip, right where your thumb goes when you pick up a bass. I had never seen that before.

    St. Paul MN.
    Posts: 438

    Birdman,at a national level many organizers and d.n.r are starting to queastion if large release boats are good or not because of the l.m.b.v,and another issue the redisturbution of fish,anyone that has been part of a release on one of these crafts knows that all the fish are released at on point,you can not do two or thee releases because when you open the hatch all the water and fish are released at once.

    Posts: 662

    Wasn’t there a LMBV outbreak on 7 and 10 back in 2002? There was some info on the Iowa website about it. It’s a virus. How can you expect a virus not to go away. It’s sort of like the Zebra Mussels. They are here. They aren’t going away. When the conditions are right both will flourish. Lets be real. It is of less of a concern than unstable water levels at spawning time, siltation or the loss of wintering habitat. It is only an issue because it has been made one to support the anti’s in their support of limiting tournements.

    Don’t let this issue die.

    Shakopee, MN
    Posts: 858

    I did a school report on the LMBV back in 2003, when this issue first came about on the Mississippi, I will see if I can find it. I do remember that certain areas on pool 10 that are common wintering areas is where the virus was present.

    Mississippi River
    Posts: 997

    I am not a micro biologist by any means but once again… Largemouth Bass Virus my . Please DNR, just tell me you screwed up the study. Bad, Bad publicity for the bass boys and tourney anglers alike. I’m still trying to get some answers, still having little success.

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    Yep, you got it right brovo. Did you put up a link to this post at all? I was just talking about this with my mom earlier today. What a coincidence

    Posts: 662

    Good news

    as of this morning all of the fish at Shawno had survived.

    From Talking to a friend who was up there it sounds like there were some major improvements in the fish handling by the folks doing the study.

    Posts: 662

    We could call this a start.

    It does prove that the fishermen on this site and on the BASS federation site do have some clout.

    I believe that the improvements in the scientific process that were are used in the Shawano study are due in large part to the rucus that we raised…

    Buy yourselves a BEER!

    Lansing, IL also known as the Flatland by the Border of IN.
    Posts: 144

    Post deleted by chewes

    Posts: 662


    So we made it thru the first three “studies” and the third one appeared to go well.

    There are 5 more studies to go.

    They will not happen till next fishing season.

    Where as the fish kill portion of the study got the lions share of the attention there are other factors under consideration that MAY be more important.

    The study is to have three parts 1. The “culling” effect on the fish. 2. Is an economic impact study. 3. Is a social/political impact study.

    We have already witnessed the “culling” study and hopefully the corrections are perminet.

    What about the other two.

    Has an econimist been included in the economic impact study? Is there a written design for the study? If so where is located. Is it possible to review that study? Is the study viable if economic specialist is not included in the design and exicution of that study.

    What about the social/political portion of the study. Has a sociologist, anthropologist or political scientis been enlisted for this team? Is there a written design for the study? If so where is located. Is it possible to review that study? Is the study viable if political/social specialist is not included in the design and exicution of that study.

    Has a design for the next 5 culling study been written? How can the results be evaluated if there is no benchmark against which to measure?

    If there are no experiment designs that would be bad news. The good news is that there is about 5 months of Wisconsin Winter to get the study written and published.

    In order for this to happen the pressure needs to be kept on the DNR to open it’s process up for review.

    Look at the impact that we as a group had between the Everstart and Four man Classic “Culling” study.

    Keep making waves. Your work is not over yet.

    Rockford Il.
    Posts: 120

    I just read something in the BASS Times that said Mercury Marine has donated $15,000 to help fund the study.

    Posts: 662

    Any word out there on what is going on with this study?

    Who are next years test tourneys?

    Posts: 131


    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Due to the length of this post, i’m locking it and referring to the new 2006 post on this issue.

    Click Here

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