Your on them or ur not……

  • pitbull
    Too far from the river
    Posts: 485

    Most of ya’s are tourny guys hera..just a lil question!!

    Will you fish a tounry if your on fish or not??

    I know some guys will fish a tourny regardless whether ur on fish or not and just love fishing tournaments cause they ain’t afraid of what anybody thinks of them whether they no bag or come in with a limit!!

    A few different ways to look at it I guess!!

    Let’s say there is a TS or a Bassworld tourny coming up and ur not on u just not fish or do u jump in and try to figure them out and hope for the best?

    Posts: 315

    Fish you never know when they will turn on.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    I’ll fish regardless….and I seem to do better when I have nothing going anyway….which doesn’y say much

    Prairie du Chien,WI
    Posts: 109

    The better tourn. fisherman always have they’re money in early and are ready to fish.They all have had tourn. when they aren’t on the winning school but still give it 110 percent. Bass Bull

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    I always pre register. That eliminates my choice of being like that. And as far as jumping in a tourney at the last second, I would do it whether I was “on” fish or not. But I am aware that some of the anglers only get in if they can find fish the couple days prior.

    eldridge, ia
    Posts: 709

    When i get the coinciding green lights from home and work count me in. For me its more about the learning and the competition than it is the money. I understand why people do it, but i dont like it and wouldnt consider it. This might be easy to say because im lucky if i get to prefish a half day before most tourneys- usually the weekend before.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 24

    I also pre-register. For me it’s about trying to figure them out and just do my best. Nobody likes getting whupped, but many times you learn more on tough tourny days than on the days you can do no wrong. In the long run I think the guys who commit to it and give it their best shot learn more than the guys who only jump in when their honey holes turn on.

    westby wi
    Posts: 864

    Guys who only fish tournaments when they are on fish
    Sounds pretty weak to me. Guess thats a way to keep your name near the top all the time. Makes ya look good Give me the man that will fish the entire trail on fish or not.

    Too far from the river
    Posts: 485


    Give me the man that will fish the entire trail on fish or not.

    DanWi…you u almost summed it’s hard to find the team that has the balls to fish a whole circuit whether they do bad or not..i’ve seen it where some teams will no bag almost every tourny and yet the fish the year end but hey they just love to fish tournys regardless on how they do and that what it’s all just makes me laugh to see somebody out “prefishin” and they can’t get on them good enough that they just won’t fish one but when they have them pilled up that they jump in and try to cherry pick it…oh well..I guess it’s my way of thinking!!

    near water
    Posts: 9

    I’ve seen guys leave a tournament early if they are not on fish, YOu never know what the fish are gonna do if you have confidence in yourself and your ability then you have to put forth 100%. I’ve cashed checks because i fish the last hour of the tournament with the same intensity as the first hour regaurdless if i am on fish or not.

    Posts: 168

    I usually send my money in ahead of time. On a familiar body of water…it is usually no problem. However if I just had one or two days to pre-fish a new body of water and could not come up with anything …….an old saying comes to mind.

    A fool and their money soon part!

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