What’s your opinion on pool 10?

  • kenwarren
    Olin, Iowa
    Posts: 423

    Well after exploring most of the lower pools in Iowa I’m ready to start working my way north. I’d like to get a quick opinion of pool 10. I can see 9 and up are really popular but don’t hear much about 10 except when Iowa has the state tournaments there.

    I’m not really asking if it is your favorite pool but just is it worth getting to know? There seems to be a lot more touraments on 9 so should I skip 10 and work on 8 and 9? Are there tournament circuits on 10 or just club stuff and an open or two?

    Thanks to all,

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417

    There will be 2 BFL’s there this year out of PDC. You will see more than half the field stay on Pool 10. P10 is worth checking out…

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 380

    Pool 10 is definately worth fishing. I have had some good days over there. I think report wise on here pool 10 doesnt get mention as much because of location of the site user in proxmity to where they fish.

    Lancaster, WI
    Posts: 483

    Ken, I think its a wise choice to concentrate on Pools 8 and 9. There’s not alot of bass in Pool 10.

    Olin, Iowa
    Posts: 423

    What tournament organizations hold events on pool 10?

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    BFL, T.S., BWS, FOM all hold events down that way that i know of….I’m sure they’re are more.

    Olin, Iowa
    Posts: 423

    It looks like BWS on 8,9,12,13 and TS is only on 10 for an open it appears. FOM just visits it 2 times. I’m trying find a circuit that stays on that pool or maybe alternates 9-10 or 10-11. All the searching I have done shows that a few organizations may visit it once or twice a year but it is not home to any of them.

    I’d like to fish tournaments there while I learn it. But it doesn’t appear like that is an option except for an open or two.

    Anyone want to help run a circuit there?

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    I would skip Pool 10…there are no bass here

    westby wi
    Posts: 864

    If you work on 8 count me in

    bass addict
    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 67

    When I was a young man, that pool was the frontier of fishing for those in the Quad Cities area. There was a weekly tv show on about two guys that only fished up at Prairie. You can fish for anything in that pool. Good walleye, largemouth, panfish, northerns, you name it.

    Posts: 64

    The show that you were referring, to was the Ponce & Porkey show!! Harry DeLeon and Porkey Meyer were the gentleman that created the idea about televising fishing. Some believe this was the first true fishing show to make the airways. Unfortunately both have passed away. Harry in his younger days became a dock-boy at the Life of Riley resort up on Lake Vermillion. Porkey fished all the time. If you ever had the chance to meet Porkey you would have never forgot him!!!! As for pool 10 lots and lots of fish. Most of the good fisherman learn where the big ones go to after spawn and during the summer months. Spring and Fall really make 10 shine!!!

    Posts: 26

    GET THE NET PORKY!!!!! bannered Porky’s hand drawn river map. My folks had a trailer a couple spots down from Porky’s house north of Lansing. I’m glad you had a chance to know him cause you don’t run into many like him. A true personality and fisherman. When I was just getting addicted to the bass bug 25 or so years ago, I was telling him how the bass weren’t biting. It was August and it was too hot and so on. Well, I’ve never forgot that next day when we went out. Shut my mouth. Something I think about now, he pretty much had the river to himself and a few other guys.

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