Ramps in Winona and LaCrosse

  • crawdaddy
    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1920

    Just wondering if anyone has any ramp conditions for pools 6 and 7. Truthfully I have never been on either of those pools so if anyone wants to suggest some good ramps and their locations I’d appreciate it. Going out on Friday.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Ramp at dresbach dam is open, but may be crowded. It has limited parking. The South Ramp there (south of bridge) may be open now. Clinton St. Ramp is open on both east and west sides. 7th st. ramp is open.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    The ramp in Dresbach will be closed from April 6-9th.

    Posts: 7

    Are they planning on dredging the landing during this time?

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    The Dresbach Landing I was referring to is the one in the town of Dresbach. My apologies. Not the one at the Dresbach Dam. That one does need dredging….badly…

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571


    You can put in at the Latch Island launch on Pool 6, it is on the South side of the interstate bridge – the launch at Dick’s Marine was still locked up on Monday. There is also another launch at Breezy Point on the WI side just below the Winona Dam just travel a few miles north of Winona on Hwy 35 and turn left when you see the Midway bar. This is a fee landing ($3) but it is decent and it is just a few hundered yards below the dam. I would assume that some of the landings in Winona on the channel woule be open but I have not been down to check them out.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Also, the landing right below the spillway is open as is the landing down town by the ice skating rink. The landing in Fountian City is also open (5A).

    As of yesterday (Tues) there was still walkable ice in Dick’s Marina . Haven’t checked McNally or Verchota (5A), but would asumme they are still iced in. Although I’d be suprised if someone doesn’t break a path out of Verchota very soon, if they haven’t already.

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