A good bud will be in town for Easter and on Friday and we are going to Powerton Lake near Pekin, IL. This is a powerplant discharge lake and is known for it’s Smallmouth population. I cannot tell you all how excited I am. I normally fish the Mississippi River, pools 13 through 16, and although I catch a few Smallies, the predominent bass is the Largemouth. Thanks for all the help from my fellow IDA members!! Most of what I know about this lake I learned from you. I have never been to this lake before and hope to catch a few. I also need to apologize to all members in the Quad Cities area. The snow last night was my fault. Murphy bit me in the butt. I took my boat out of storage yesterday. Hopefully Murphy is off on Friday and the weather will cooperate, although they are calling for snow tonight and tomorrow night. Anyways, if anyone has any tips or knowledge of Powerton, it is still appreciated. I will post a report, good or bad. Let’s hope it is the prior. — Rob
March 24, 2005 at 4:44 am