BASS Federation Club

  • darin_rs
    Glen Ellyn, IL
    Posts: 550

    I moved down to the Chicagoland area about a year and a half ago and recently dropped out of my club. I was wondering if anyone here belongs to a federation club below the city of Madison. I am looking to join one, but would not be able to make most of the meetings. I was wondering if there is a club down this way that could cut me some slack as far as attendence goes. I don’t care to leave the WI federation due to the fact I like the way it is organized. Thank you for any help you can give.


    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 570

    Slop, NK88 has been looking for you on the shout.

    Glen Ellyn, IL
    Posts: 550

    Thanks guys, I left from the Onalska area and have visited the State site, but am looking for any inside info on clubs Lake Wisconsin Area South. I have look at a few of the Web sites and have called a few of the contacts, but have as of yet, not gotten a good read on any of them.

    Posts: 144

    I belong to Angler’s Edge. We could always use some new blood. We are out of Rockford, Il. We have 7 qualifying tournaments that are very competitive. Most take place in southern Wisconsin or Northwestern Illinois. Give us a look.


    Posts: 37

    My son Casey is in the same situation that you are in. Our club – Basic Bass has been pretty good about working around it.

    Let me know if I can help.

    Glen Ellyn, IL
    Posts: 550

    Thanks guys, Would you happen to have any contact info that I could have. I am having trouble logging onto the Federation site. Thanks in advance.


    Waterford, WI
    Posts: 241

    Bassman, you have a PM

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