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That Blazer was passing rangers like they werent even moving with 4 people in it. Only bad thing was when we hit a wave! OUCH
Thanks D-nort
Yo, JHall, it hurt because you were sitting on your partner’s lap………………LOL
It wont be too long before they put an end to the early announcement of flight times. They will find out at pre tourny meeting like most of the other tournys. BASS doesnt like any controversy . As for defense that happens all the time in the big league. After the pros find their fish they have the rest of the week to stick other fish. No one else has ever said “yeah I did it” before. When I fished at Minnatonka one of my pros said Yelas has been in here (his spot) all week and he wasnt happy about it . SON!(His favorite phrase)
yo, al, it hurt cause im used to the smooth ride of a champ.
I am just now coming out of hibernation hahaha. I didn’t see the program so most of the information I’m about to say is based on what I read in the posts.
The tactics mentioned happen all the time but not necessarily with the outcome the folks doing it expect. Especially sight fisherman… if you’re fishing beds do you honestly believe hooking one of those fish the day before is going to cause their reaction strike or the nest guarding tendencies to significantly change in the next morning? It might affect a few fish but not enough to amount to much. If you are sight fishing, which I believe was what was occurring, do you think you really are going to sore mouth enough of those roamers to offset the number of biters that will roam the same area? Plus Jeremy is right… if you’re spending your time soremouthing fish that you “know” other anglers are going to use then you’re wasting time unless you believe you have locked in the winning weight somewhere else and there is no chance you will need a few of those fish yourself. To me using that tactic in the spring is more a confidence builder for the angler than an effective way to outsmart your opponent because the fish’s disposition is not conducive to the strategy you’re employing.
Summer time… on lakes… well.. that’s a little different particularly in pressured waters. Pounding a school several days in a row will have a negative affect. Pounding a certain object day in and day out will have a negative affect. The river, again, in my experience can be quite a bit different…but in the spring the same principle applies when you’re hot into prespawn… you could try to sore mouth those roamers but you tell me… would you be able to soremouth enough to stop someone else from catching a decent limit in an area with a large concentration of fish? From another perspective, would they stop eating when a barge went by because someone hooked them the day before? Would they stop the feedbag when the water begins to rise because someone tried to soremouth them?
The tactic, if thats what you want to call it, has its most significant affect when you know where someone elses fish are and you go there purposefully to pound them to soremouth them and to redistribute the school because of the pressure being applied. Its not something I do but I’ve sure seen it. I’ve also seen people haul fish particulary object oriented fish to other locations. You can call it whatever you want to call it but when you pull in seeing someone do it in an area you’re counting on or you have someone who has located their fish follow you all day so they can simply burn what you’re fishing then the tact takes on an entirely different perspective. I’ve seen some pretty serious discussions generated over that tactic without very pretty outcomes. But…if you’re willing to play it to the edge then you’re willing to except the consequences… no whining afterward.
Now that I’m awake and my gill plates are moving again for the season… its good to be out of hybernation… now pass me a pointer minnow … I’m hungry hahaha
Come on Joe, easy on the Rangers. You know that when you save up enough cash you’ll be driving one too.
Sorry Eric,
But when I save up enough cash I will just be driving a Bigger, Faster, Newer, CHAMPION. And thats the truth.
JHALL, are you gonna go to the Madison Expo? It’s going to be a blast.
Thats sounds like a good time, but I’m going to be leaving on th 26th for Guntersville, AL to fish for a week and get in a couple tourney’s
. Maybe next time.
The best part of the Dudley story is the fact that he stuck a grand total of 2 fish. Oh the head games
I have seen this tactic plenty on the river, I may have even pulled into a community area or two and set some hooks on the night before, more because I was bored and wanted stretch some string than a defensive tactic. Figured the community spot would best the least destructive to others.
The boys from LaCrosse are heading down on the 26th of March. Were staying over night, and heading home Sunday.
I think we’re planning on going down on Saturday too…at least that’s what I heard last.
I gotta leave early Sunday morning. Im have to be in Wilmington, North Carolina on Monday morning at 10:00 am for a trade show.
And YES, I’ll be wetting a line on the folowing Saturday with a buddy of mine.
To each his own huh. I’m waiting for the 250 h.o. to come out in Late summer than probably bet in a 21 ftr.
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