So I guess that we all can stumble once or twice.
My buddy, Dale, talked with the gal who shot the pics and indeed his photo with the two fish did not turn out due to the fish moving. She did slide the fish over from the two man photo, unknown to the rest of us
She had no idea that we were going to paste this photo on a public website.
The photo of the two guys side by side have not been changed.
The fish remains the same though.6lb 8oz.
My mistake no harm meant by myself or Dale.
Man, I really feel I have wasted alot of time as a kid reading all those Nancy Drew Hardy Boys books. My first true mystery and I screwed it all up!
Now I know why detective school rejected me.
This does just show how un-smart I’z really iz!
Thanks to you who had my back on this, I guess I let you all down.