Team Supreme MN Division Anglers Of The Year

  • davec
    St. Paul MN.
    Posts: 438

    Congtrats. to the team of Jason Howland [sportsanchor]and Tom Howland MN anglers of the year.After a tough two event weekend for the father/son team due to boat problems. The team held up in the point race and will now fish of for a Charger Boat at the National Championship wich will be held on Table Rock.The team also has the honors of fishing off for the family team of the year at the Championship.Great Job to the team who kept it together even though the boat problems they had at the last to events of the year.

    Too far from the river
    Posts: 485

    Congtrats guys…winning angler of the year no matter if it’s a tuesday nighter or a team supreme …it a tough feat!!!

    Good luck at the year end!!

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    with a year as messed up as this has been for us you proved to be up tot he challenge. Cold fronts seem to follow my partner Curt every where we went… I think Cold Front Curt has the Nor’easter witch chasing him around on his tournament travels.
    Congrats again. ps.. How is the boat deal comming.
    Good luck at the gander finals.
    TeamSupreme MN division

    Posts: 1530

    Congratulation Jason and Dad. Knock em dead on Table Rock!

    Posts: 64

    Congrats to the Howlands!!! We really enjoy the family. Have not had the opportunity to meet Jason, However Bob and Tom are great gentleman and incredible hooks, I can always count on seeing one of them in the most remote part of the river. Just when you think you have found a “honey-hole” there they are!!! I understand that the Minnesota division will keep there schedule format for the 2005 season!!!

    Manchester, Ia
    Posts: 121

    Excellent showing all year. Good luck as you advance.


    Winnebago, MN
    Posts: 90

    GREAT JOB guys!! Now… if anyone needs to win a boat on Tablerock its the owner of that poor sinking Champion! We’ll be rooting for you down there as well!

    JC… its true… my nickname is Cold Front Curt hahaha and you can clearly see why I have it hahaha!


    Albert Lea, MN
    Posts: 354

    Thanks everybody. Dad and I are looking forward to fishing for that new Charger boat in April (I could use it now) and we hope to REPRESENT all the homeboys in Minnesota
    I also want to say a big thanks to Dave and Rich for all their help that final weekend. With my boat going the titanic route, Dave didn’t bat an eyelash in letting dad and I borrow his boat for the rest of the tournament and on Sunday too! A class act and one that was much appreciated! They represent TSupreme well and put on a great circuit this season.
    As far as my champion its still at the shop and I should know this week if it is indeed a cracked transom that’s causing it to NOT float. Hopefully all will work out well. I spent the Gander Championship fishing out of a friend’s aluminum flat with a 75HP! Unfortunately didn’t win the Triton though.
    Looking forward to Table Rock and next year’s TS MN division. Just wish all of em were on the river!

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