Pool 13 this weekend… First time help?

  • rgeister
    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    This site has some great experiences that I was wondering if I might be able to tap. I have never fished Pool 13. I will be headed there this weekend for a weekend trip with my family. Plan to meet up with some family and see Palasades (Sp?) state park in Savannah, IL. I was wondering if anyone was willing to share some insights as to conditions and active patterns. I will only be able to spend a couples hours Sat/Sun mornings and do not have any intentions of any tourney fishing down that far. If you are willing to share, I’d appreciate it. I will be launching at the Savannah bridge area crossing over to Iowa. PMs work, too, if you don’t wish to broadcast. Thanks in advance!

    Olin, Iowa
    Posts: 423

    I’d be happy to help. It might be more productive via telephone if you have a map then I can point you to a couple of spots, but I’ll try to put a little here and feel free to call in the evening if you want more. (319)721-0152

    There is a nice area called Brown’s Lake on the Iowa side. I don’t fish it much nor do most of the tournament anglers because it is catch and release area, but may work nicely for you. It is a shallow lake and should be full of pads. There are deeper dredged areas in it to provide winter habitat. You sould be able to do well in there with frogs or tubes.

    In general you can go into any of the sloughs with current like Running, or Savanna Slough and pick up bass on the deadfall. I prefer pitching spinnerbaits but plastics work too.

    Unfortunatly I haven’t been on this pool this year much and I haven’t yet found the big fish but this info should get you some action and I’d tend to think there are big ones in Browns’s Lake.

    Hope this helps. BTW I think I’ll be out there this weekend. Give me a shout if you want the number is my cell. Maybe we can meet and tell lies. I normally use the ramp at Palasades this is not as busy but be careful leaving this area. Stay in the marked channel until the marking stops then aim for the bridge a mile down river.

    Waterford, WI
    Posts: 241

    Spring Lake is always a popular bass hangout. I never fished it in the summer however, I’ve only been there in spring. You got to be VERY, VERY careful if ruinning into Spring Lake. Lots of stups. If you get a hot spots map of pool 13, you can somewhat navigate your way into Spring Lake, or you can just launch there. But the same patterns you fish on the other pools this time of year should’nt be too much different on 13.

    Olin, Iowa
    Posts: 423

    One caution. The Hot Spots map data is about 12 years old as I recall and not very accurate but better than nothing. I would just accent the saying “NOT FOR NAVIGATION.”

    You can download the navagation charts from this site http://www.mvr.usace.army.mil/NavCharts/UMRNavCharts.asp

    There is no depth info but the wing dams are accurate and the backwater area is more true to today.

    Posts: 11

    If you’re fun fishing go to Browns, its a lot easier to get into than Spring although still be careful in the cut going up to it, there are a couple of shallower spots. I go there if I’ve already found fish early enough and just want to stick a few and have some fun. Haven’t been in there this year but I usually just throw a rat.

    Posts: 315

    theres a small opening on the left on the way to browns right before that opening there is a rock bar stay to the right

    go to savanah slough and fish that and the pay ramp there usually a descent bite there if you want some wood fish

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    Just got back last night, and first off, wanted to thank those who posted and/or send me a PM… thanks for the advise. And, you were correct… tough bite! I will post a series of pictures for all to enjoy, as well, following the post.

    First thing I noticed about Pool 13, was the slop is WAY different than Pool 7 and 8… ALL mud bottoms, little cabbage, little eel grass, little milfoil… all pads, and only pads for the most part. Can retrieve a spinner bait through them… buzz baits over the top… Interesting. The other general observations is that Pool 13 is muddy, has plenty of mud, and mud is abundant! Sand is really only found in the channel, and that is even muddy.

    I bought a Hot Spots Map” of Pool 13, and studies it the nigt before… I quickly became a bit overwhlemed… 34.5 miles lock-to-lock… Wow. I had no idea of the size of the pool. Its my opinion that Pool 13 is not as beautiful as Pool 7 and 8, but still is absolutely gorgeous… probably because every time my dog had to swim, she brought caked mud into my boat!

    Another observation worth noting was the bass boats… HUGE motors on HUGE boats… an 18 footer in Savannah is small, relatively speaking of course… I saw several 22 footers with Merc 250XS, 21, 20… all with 225 or bigger… Mostly Rangers, but some Triton and Basscats… Just plain big! Pretty impressive tournament launch out of the Savannah Marina on Sunday morning… I thought I was in Iraq it was so impressive sounding. Saturday there was a smaller BWS tourney… desent bags weighed, or so I could muster. There was a bright orange Ranger, too… very different, and very cool… my wife said it looked very “bachelor-esque”… no way a woman would let THAT be parked in the driveway!

    Anyway, back to fishing, it took me a while to figure out any pattern… I started the morning hitting the rocks, and caught some saugar and small bass, all largemouths. I decided to take some people’s advise and work my way up into Brown’s… that took awhile because I wasn’t familiar with the water and that you should stay on plane, or forget about it! Anyway, I only caught one and had some strikes. There were about 8 boats up in there, and I never saw anyone set the hook… it is supposed to be a great location, but the water level has dropped several feet over the course of a couple weeks (including 5-6″ Saturday to Sunday!). I spend the remainder of the time pitching to wood all the way from the north end to the south end of Running slough, almost 4 miles of narrow, heavily wooded waters… slight current (this was key to finding fish). There is the picture of the log jam… LOTS of those on 13, pretty cool, and very fishy. My final spot was wood, right of the channel… which produced the biggest fish I found… 2 bookend 17″ largemouth with 10 minutes of finishing the trip… great way to end.

    All in all, a great trip. And the scenery is worth the drive by itself.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    Brown’s Area… Huge expanse of Pads with 4-8 foot channel through it and 1-3 foot pad fields.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    More Brown’s Area…

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    View from Palisades State Park…

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    Another view from Palisades…

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    And, a final view from Palisades…

    Shakopee, MN
    Posts: 858

    Nice pictures and good report. Thanks Reel Guy.

    Olin, Iowa
    Posts: 423

    Glad you had a nice time and thanks for showing pictures of the pool to all the northerners on the site. As you found out it is very popular pool for tournaments. I think Bass World was Saturday and Team Supreme Sunday. This pool get enormous pressure but keeps producing weekend after weekend.

    I was out Saturday with my 8 year old son. We did alright. I had a 4lber and a 3.5 along with a few 2’s. I was surprised I did so well I was really just exploring and checking quickly on old spots getting ready for 2-day tournament this coming weekend. Pattern was current as you say and wood.

    Best part of the day is my son is turning into basser like I never dreamed he would. He caught several pitching spinnerbait behind me. Best part of day was he had one explode on the spinnerbait just as some Bass Work tourney guys idled by. They started clapping and cheering. I though his head was going to explode and I think mine just about did too.

    Had lots of blow up (25) on pads in the main river. Never caught a single one. They kept hitting rat in the middle of pads and wouldn’t touch it in the openings. It was very aggravating.

    Le Claire, Ia
    Posts: 29

    Pool 13 is amazing in the fact that it gets so much pressure (a tourney both days of almost every weekend and alot of pre-fishing)and still keeps producing nice bags of fish. Felderman and Herburger won the Aug 1st Team Supreme with over 20lbs.

    Too far from the river
    Posts: 485

    2 lucky sob’s took 2nd place

    Posts: 11

    Reelguy, a little over 14lbs (5 fish) took the BWS on Saturday, we came in 6th I think with 12.44. Sorry to hear that Browns didn’t pan out its usually pretty good but from what we saw Saturday the fish weren’t in the slop very good which is strange for this time of year. If you look, you’ll find some eel grass and there’s usually some fish in it when you do. We fished some main river and bigger side channel grass and did OK with jigs and creatures, just couldn’t find a big bite. Glad you enjoyed yourself down here, I always do when I get up your way.

    Le Claire, Ia
    Posts: 29

    You’re right there Pitbull, those guys were lucky.The luckiest part of the day was when they got to their first spot and the only other boat in their area had pitbull fishing out of it. See ya at the next Tuesday nighter.

    Too far from the river
    Posts: 485


    You’re right there Pitbull, those guys were lucky.The luckiest part of the day was when they got to their first spot and the only other boat in their area had pitbull fishing out of it. See ya at the next Tuesday nighter.

    I’d tell ya how I really feel but I’ve been warned a few times..good job tonight on tonights win…talk about a wet one..that the first time 4 fish took 7th place

    Just be glad ur twin brother(reed) beat ya to that spot..you might have done the wrong thing…most times it pays NOT to have a good boat number..then it makes decision making a lot easier!!

    Next tuesday..i’m gonna show up a few mintues late so i can boat 1

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