Tell me about this club… Is it just guys from Trane and if so why isn’t JJ there???
August 5, 2004 at 2:34 pm
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Mississippi River » Mississippi River – Bass » Wed. Night Clubber
Tell me about this club… Is it just guys from Trane and if so why isn’t JJ there???
Not everyone is from Trane…
ReelGuy is commishoner….He makes the rules
Well, well… quite the little converstaion today. Blue… I am “nice” to Slop… you know, ’cause I feel sorry for him… all the badges in the world sewn on his shirt and he still cannot find fish…
About the club… we have a membership list of 16 people. As members move on, we do evaluate new members, DanWi, we’ll keep you in mind as the 2005 club year starts. Basically, The Jerkin’ Lips Bass Fishing Club started informally by a bunch of guys that love to fish and hang out together in the summer of 2002.
That first year was so much fun, the 6 founding members made the decision to expand the league for 2003.
Today the league consists of 16 regulars and is one of the many Bass clubs in the 7 Rivers Region. The club fishes on Wednesday nights with a few Saturday tournements added for some additional fun. Most Saturday tournements end with a family beach party. There is no affiliation with any BASS or other tournament series, thus it is rather informal.
The final Saturday tournament of the year has giving back to the community in mind. Last year, 100% of the prize money was donated to the Holmen food pantry (over $100). It is with pride the members of the Jerkin’ Lips Bass Fishing Club support and practice good sportsmanship both on the water and in the community.
That’s it! Good friends, good fishing, great time!
Cleverly dodged the why isn’t JJ fishing in your club?
Guess Reelguy doesn’t want to be a reel donator.
Sorry dude, I couldn’t resist.
Guess Reelguy doesn’t want to be a reel donator.
Ummm… right on!
With that said… an additional piece of information… The club is run like many others, with point accumulations. Points are “earned” in fished events as a Boater/Non-Boater “TEAM”. This aids in the teamwork each week and spreads knowledge and builds “club relationships.” Winning pairs cannot fish again together for awhile as to break up “ringers.”
(SLOP and BC fish EVERY week together…
Once thing is for sure, REELGUY knows how to REELY talk a load of
I don’t even remember the last time I fished w/BC…and other than Wednesday’s….have you ever beaten me in a REEL tournament??
That’s what i thought…
I save it for when it counts….but it usually doesn’t count up to be
Reel Guy:
How is the interaction between partners? Is there alot of “not fishing my spots”, or is everyone pretty open. Does the boater decide where to go, or is it a time split, or just basically a “group decision”?
We’re all friends/co-workers….there really isn’t much of “my spot–your spot” type stuff. Other than myself, there is only 1 other guy that regularly fishes tournies, so we aren’t concerned much about stuff like that…
All the guys I have fished with (and I have only not fished with 2, BC included – which, BC, we’ll fix soon!) it has NEVER been a problem. Except for Wingdam… but he fishes with JJ, and out of respect, stays clear of his fish, and I respect Wingdam even more for that (see JCs thread).
Anyway, gametime decisions are up to the team. Some share/split time, others just stay in the back of the boat as a non-boater and fish. No hard feelings, just pure fishing fun. As for spots, that is the secret of the club… we SHARE ALL SPOTS and ALL PRESENTATIONS at the conclusion of the evening at weigh-ins. No secrets. That is the basis and fondation of the club. We all try to improve our skills, our locations, and our understandings of bass, the ecosystem, and what’s happening. So, if you don’t want to share a spot, don’t fish it on Wednesday night during club tourney time. The club is (for the most part) a bunch of novice anglers (no JJ, Blue, JC, etc), although we have guys who fish TS… and a REEL Pro…
Seriously, I mean it when I say: Great men, good fishing, reel fun!
As for Slop… we keep him around because we feel sorry for him… ever see how defensive he gets…
Who’s gonna win tonight? Actually I should be asking what Slop’s excuse will be tomorrow for not winning.
Same excuse as last week..I have the same boater as last week
How will this cold weather affect your presentations tonight? Will you fish slower or same ‘ol same ‘ol.
Somehow its my fault that Slop sold his boat and is at the mercy of whatever boater is available to take him… someone help me with the logic!
Anyway… I plan to start on a reaction bite, and then S-L-O-W it down if that doesn’t work. Th efeed bag shoudl be on with the cold snap, but will it act like a slow moving low-pressure front? Not sure… but, the good news is, the wind is from the NW…
Al I can say is, my non-boater is not all that much help either, Sloppy! But, I have the confidence in my stick! And, my ability to multi-task…
We have a 2 fish limit… I predict 5.4 to win tonight… and Slop will have 2 13.9999999999999″ fish for 3.8 #s
check PM, don’t want to help out RG b4 we fish tonight.
A real team player, that Slop.
If I were a gambling man, I would head in the opposite direction, and throw topwater, buzzbiats, spinnerbaits, and cranks, looking for a reaction bite on fish that may be turned toward more of a fall reaction to the cold.
And watch for shad schools.
LOL, you were posting while I was typing. I guess we had the same plan of attack.
Hope you guys bring plenty of warm clothes……
Somehow its my fault that Slop sold his boat and is at the mercy of whatever boater is available to take him… someone help me with the logic!
No, but it is your fault for setting me up…I’m not gonna discuss this on here…not the time/place…
No, but it is your fault for setting me up…I’m not gonna discuss this on here…not the time/place…
Ah, okay. LOL!
Easy now you two. Don’t make turn this car around!!
You guys are supposed to be helping each other be better fisherman. Not better heads.
Dad… he started it!
I think Slop is a great guy, not sure what’s going on here, but we’ll work it out. It just might be the PRESSURE…
He’ll find fish, I know he will.
I think Slop needs a getaway weekend to lake Mille Lacs next weekend!
So Tom, what would be your strategy tonight? Slow, fast, deep, shallow?
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