Van Dam? God, I hope not. I get gascious just considering him.
Ike? Probably not (I’d be dipped if he did!); Clunn did it in 76 & 77!
Timmy Horton… I’d look out for him, especially if the bite goes deep.
Mark Davis. Now that depends. I’m not sure on what, but it still depends. I’ll watch him. He’s my #2 choice.
Zell Rolland. I like Zell. Maybe Zell will win. He’s my #3 choice.
Klein? If the bite goes deep, I think he’ll have a problem.
Who I truly believe will win is none other than Greg Hackney. Talk about being in a zone? I think he may have been born in one
Hackney’s my #1 choice
Many Garcias (that’s Spanglish for muchas gracias -you can thank my dad for that one)