Classic Predictions

  • BomberA
    Posts: 649

    I’m going with Iaconelli for the repeat. Otherwise Mark Davis or Gary Klein.

    Silver Lake MN
    Posts: 405

    This one is going to Van Dam.

    la crosse
    Posts: 280

    yup, there’s always one federation guy to slit his own throat!

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 590

    I hope Mike gets food poisoning, he makes all bassfishermen look like

    Id like to see Skeet Reese, Edwin Evers, or Zell Rowland do it this year.

    Champman…Care to elaborate on that?

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    It would be good to have both of us at Nationals next spring. I don’t belive in anything other than bringing your A game and seeing where the cards fall. The one thing we have that the pro’s don’t… Memory and habbit traps. People with a clear mind can often see through the bs. Since its still a pipe dream I can let the bs fly. If I am blessed and I do mean blessed, and make it to the big show my tone will be of thanks and we will both know God parted the water to show me where those fish are and how to catch them. It would be nice if he could just take the little guppy I toss in the bucked and turn it into 30lbs.

    Posts: 64

    J.C. Who were the locals that the boys were fearful when discussing the classic the other day? Tucker, and P.T. said it might come down to the deep stuff and there were two local professionals that made it that are suppose to be real tough!

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Where is the Classic in 2006? Has it been announced yet?

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    dude, I can hardly remember my name from all the info the was exchanged that night. I do have some highlights from the little demo they gave and have since made some ajustments. As for the guys you are refering to I am not sure.

    Posts: 64

    I am disappointed, the human recorder went on the fritz??Must be like in that movie “Johnny 5 had input overload”

    Posts: 315

    one of the locals is jason quinn i believe hes the one whos face looks like a pin coushion

    la crosse
    Posts: 280

    you know, he fits the mold that espn marketing would like to drive the audience to?! PT or john murray is where my monies at. 2005 classic is out of pittsburg they aren’t out to 2006 yet.

    Roanoke, Virginia
    Posts: 287

    Van Dam? God, I hope not. I get gascious just considering him.

    Ike? Probably not (I’d be dipped if he did!); Clunn did it in 76 & 77!

    Timmy Horton… I’d look out for him, especially if the bite goes deep.

    Mark Davis. Now that depends. I’m not sure on what, but it still depends. I’ll watch him. He’s my #2 choice.

    Zell Rolland. I like Zell. Maybe Zell will win. He’s my #3 choice.

    Klein? If the bite goes deep, I think he’ll have a problem.

    Who I truly believe will win is none other than Greg Hackney. Talk about being in a zone? I think he may have been born in one .

    Hackney’s my #1 choice .

    Many Garcias (that’s Spanglish for muchas gracias -you can thank my dad for that one) ,

    Posts: 315

    otw has classic articles and predictions on there and one on kline saying one of his strenghts is deep water fishing another article i believe fritts says this lake gets a bad thermocline right about the time of the classic

    so its up in the air like every year i just wonder wich one of the federation boys will be the thorn in the side this year

    Roanoke, Virginia
    Posts: 287

    I still believe Klein will struggle deep. I may be wrong, but I’ve never seen him win or place deep.

    Thanks ,

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