Great Outdoor Games

  • basspack
    PdC, WI.
    Posts: 132

    Is anyone going to venture to Madison to see any of the great outdoor games? I’m interested to see how the freshwater doubles fishing goes. A bass angler and a walleye angler teamup for two days of competition. Sounds like a blast.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    They should make the Bass guy fish for Walleye and vice versa.

    Roanoke, Virginia
    Posts: 287

    The Great Outdoor Games.

    The Great Outdoor Games?

    This is just my opinion, but the last progam that I would watch is The Great Outdoor Games. The “Games” simply seem to be a fabrication of importance for bass fisherman. They do not do anything for standings in BASS, FLW or anything, but I’ll concede that they are an attempt to raise bass fishing and BASS to the awareness of America’s couch people, but if ESPN doesn’t make a change in direction soon, there will no longer be a BASS.

    Perhaps ESPN ought to consider again focusing on BASS and the pigsty they’ve made of it rather than running around trying to be all things to all people.

    Ok, I feel better now.

    Thanks ,

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Hey On,

    Seems to have touched a nerve heh?? I’m not trying to rile you anymore, just have a question. I’m not a bass guy and don’t follow the sport much. Can you explain why you feel ESPN is tarnishing the reputation of BASS?? I like watching the coverage of the old BASS championships. I seriously want to hear your opinion.



    Olin, Iowa
    Posts: 423

    OK sound like we have an axe to grind here. I don’t know how anyone could long for the good ole day of bass when you had to wait months to see a half hour show of the Bassmasters. ESPN has much improved it. It is now on within 1-2 weeks and with the latest hi-tech coverage and extended times coverage the events is miles above where it was. I’ll admit we have a ways to go and diffeent ideas will be tried and fail but BASS is on the right track.

    FLW is not even on TV anymore. At least not any channel most of America gets. 80% of their show was just weigh-in anyway. Not much action.

    Remember big payouts don’t bring credibility. You have to enforce your rules and run clean tournament.

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    I think the ESPN deal is the early stages of the take over of State Federation Sponsorship. They pulled Classic spots and the other but have since made improvements. I am not sure where things are now but I know there were a lot of hurt feelings. If anyone has the skinny toss it my way.

    Shakopee, MN
    Posts: 858

    FLW is on the Outdoor life network (OLN). On every Sunday and Thursday.

    Winnebago, MN
    Posts: 90

    I haven’t ever heard the specifics of ESPN’s cash shortages related to BASS including the Federation. I only heard that the focus changed more too $$ than the sport or the fishery and the decisions made along those lines have rubbed both sides a bit raw.


    Roanoke, Virginia
    Posts: 287

    Morning, boys,

    Ah, morning coffee with a good debate! Only in America.

    If we measure improvement by television exposure, than yes, ESPN has done wonders; if we measure improvement by sustained growth of BASS as a company, than no, ESPN has not done well, but rather has nearly run it into the ground.

    Sponsor attraction, retention and development has been abysmal, and Mr. Dean Kessel cannot seem to make the transition from marketing to a home improvement demograph to that of bass fishermen.

    No, increased payouts are not everything, but they are indeed attracting professional anglers; if BASS cannot attract anglers, sponsors or talented management, then the inevitable is sure to happen.

    The only ax that I have to grind is that I’m quite sick of

    watching those fools run BASS into the ground. Man, they do not even possess the integrity to step down so that other, capable men can correct the latter’s mistakes and not only return BASS to its orginal intent, but also develop it to the industry leader/inovator that we all know it could be.

    “Grow the sport?” Man, from what I’ve seen, ESPN & Kessel have done nothing more than uproot a once fine and respectable institution of bass fishing, and I’m damn well pissed about it.

    I’ve wanted to say this for a long time, and know I will… Give me one year -one!- without someone’s hand up my , playing me like a puppet, and I will guarantee you BASS would become what we all know it could be. Arrogant? No. Confident? Yes!

    I’m not saying I’m better than anyone on this board; what I am saying is that there needs to be a man (actually men) of integrity, vision and strength behind that BASS sheild, and I simply do not see one (any).

    Thanks ,

    Olin, Iowa
    Posts: 423

    I would like to hear more on what you mean by running it into the ground. I don’t think BASS is shrinking or losing sponsors. Sure Chevy left but they are leaving outdoor sponsorship in general. Skeeter left but sounds like BASS would not let them renew as Skeeter wanted. I’m sure there was a good reason. But I don’t see sponsors leaving cause they are dissapointed in BASS.

    You mentioned integrity. That is why I’m still upset with FLW. They could not go public about the Christian DQ and I think they blew it and sold off their integrity to advoid lawsuits from anglers who were cheated out of their money. I doubt BASS would have kept it secret. They always let you know a reason for a DQ. As does every other professional sport in America.

    Shakopee, MN
    Posts: 858

    I went to the weigh in tonight and it was a good time. Denny Brauer and Mike Gilfron are in the lead with 21 lb. Talked with some of the pros and they all felt that it is a huge honor to be invited to participate in this event. I think the competitive sport of fishing is growing in a postive direction. Gerald Swindle incrouraged myself and some other fans to go and vote for him for the outdoor espy award!! Here are some pictures that I took. I don’t know if I will get to tomorrow’s weigh in, if you get the chance head on down to the Great Outdoor Games.

    In picture, Brauer and Gilfron with a 4 lb. 15 oz. big bass.

    Shakopee, MN
    Posts: 858

    Bill Ortiz and Mike Iaconelli

    Shakopee, MN
    Posts: 858

    Gerald Swimdle, Shaw Grigsby, and Ike

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