How do you get into Target Lake?

  • greg
    Posts: 108

    I’ve seen two entrances (going from North to South)…I want to be careful for wingdams/hazards as it appears that a wingdam stretches across the southern entrance. Thanks for the info!

    Edited by Greg on 06/26/01 01:20 PM.



    Right now you can get in either entry with this high water! But during normal water conditions 5 to 7 feet, Id advise you drift over the wingdam on the south entry if you get nervous just trim the motor up. I do this all the time. Even during normal conditions there is 3 or 4 feet of water over the dam, and right now there is probably 8 or 9 feet over it. When you go over the wing dam, hug the MN side of the dam towards shore. Then just make a hard right turn, go straight for 100 yards or so and make a left and your there. The North entry has a nasty sandbar that when the water is normal is best to be avoided. Send me a private message or an email and Id be glad to provide more info if this doesnt help.

    Actually there are two other ways in. The best way Ive found is to just go in behind the channel marker, you can blast right through its very deep there. The other way is to come up through broken arrow slough.

    Steve HougomFTR Webstaff

    Edited by hougie on 06/26/01 03:10 PM.

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