Somedays there’s justice and some days… well….

  • curt
    Winnebago, MN
    Posts: 90

    An old man is standing in walmart and happens to glance over his shoulder to see three young men (19 – 22 yrs) loosening ball hitches on trucks that have the boat attached to the hitch. The old man tells security. Security proceeds to confront the young men who said they were “sorry… just having fun…” they “suuuuure wouldn’t do it again officer… just wanted to see the look on the driver’s face when he lost his boat right away” The old man observing says “they won’t do it again? Give me a break… What would have happened if I hadn’t said anything or hadn’t discovered it and my rig came unbuttoned at 70mph? Would it still be fun kids being kids?” Security says ” well kids will be kids ” The old man says “ok… so if I would have picked up a socket wrench the same size as the one they were using and told them back away from the truck or I was going to remove their ball hitches… you know… an old man just being an old man.. what would have happened?” The security officer replied ” That would have been a terroristic threat and I would have had you arrested, cuffed, and taken to jail… So Mister… knowing that I’d think you’d just understand kids are just going to be kids and just backed away.” The officer smiled “Right?” The old man tipped his hat back and said “well thats the logical way to look at it I suppose… but I’m not logical and thats my boat… I love my boat… in this case I think your advice would have really created a mess.” The officer asked “why is that”. The old man scratched his beard and replied… “well if I have to go to jail I’d have to make it worth my while… going to jail over an unfulfilled terroristic threat doesn’t make any sense at all.” He laughed. The officer frowned saying “well good thing you didn’t do anything… what do you think you’ll do the next time?” The old man smiled… stepped into his truck.. “not to call security… the wrench is already under the seat”.

    Interesting conversation don’t you think… what would you have done?


    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941


    1. Is this a true story?
    2. I’ve had my entire dorm room of audio/video/game equipment stolen before…so there is nothing I hate more than thiefs/vandals.

    There is a big difference between kids being kids and Vandals..Kids toilet papering other kids houses is “kids being kids”. I know..i did it , but if i ever catch anyone vandalising my truck/boat, they better hope they can out run me, cause i would’ve beat the crap out of them. I know i’ll take flak for it, but so be it.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    At the end of the day, what can you really do? You can get mad, you can try to get even, but you likely will cause yourself more pain/money/angst in the process. Trust in the karma of life that all things equal out in the end.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    RG….you get mad when people get sand in your boat….

    Trust me….He’d open a can

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Take a picture. Let ’em go. Let ’em grow.

    “Take a picture. Shoot ’em. Hang ’em High…then give your horse a beer”-briank

    Too far from the river
    Posts: 485

    There would be a blood bath

    Manchester, Ia
    Posts: 121

    There is comfort in knowing that these little vandals will likely be spending half their juvenile life in some type of correctional program. So in 10 years, this little episode will seem less funny to them, realizing their social standing in society.


    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    The first mistake was calling Walmart security. I mean really, what are they gonna do. Besides scream like a woman “Stop or I’ll throw my keys at you.”

    A quick call to the local law enforcement would have been my first choice. There’s always police close to the Walmart here in La Crosse. I guess it speaks volumes about their clientele.

    What would I have done if I caught them messing with my truck? Probably called for an ambulance when I was 20 miles outside of town. Explain to the dispatch, there are two vandals laying in the parking lot with shopping carts neatly wrapped around their heads.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 146

    I would have asked them, politely, to re-tighten all
    of those hitches they were just having “fun” with.
    Anything other than a, “Yes Sir”, would not be
    acceptable, and would probably deteriorate into
    a situation where I could use “self-defense”
    The look on the EMT’s face, as he would have to
    remove the vandals tools from some vandal’s body orifice
    would be priceless.

    Big Bass Bane

    Roanoke, Virginia
    Posts: 287

    What would I have done?

    I would have tapped my friends’ shoulders and said, “hey, see those kids around our boats?” I’m quite sure that before I would have finished that sentence, my buddies would have knocked me down, trying to get to those little numbskulls before they realized the can of whoop that had just been opened on’em.

    If I were alone and saw it -my boat or not-, well I’m quite sure that I’da called the security guard after giving those fine youth of ours a bit of a tune-up & social attitude adjusment.

    Thanks ,


    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    I think the best solution would be to get any and all info you can about the kids and make sure you have a way to track them down. From there run that boat around a corner and let her fly. New Triton on the kids parents dime. Boo Yaa. Daddy gets a new boat.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 146

    Only one problem with that strategy JC. Often poor
    parenting has some contribution to this kind of behavior.
    Going after the kids, or the parents, from that segment of
    our society, may not even yield a dime! Unless they can
    find some government program to fund lawsuit judgments
    against them. They will remember what it is like to mess
    with a pissed off Bass Boy that “Up side their head”, with
    a Wal-Mart bag full of 1 oz Spinnerbaits. Or in
    Curt’s case, tangled with that wrench he keeps handy.
    But if the young men are dressed in $100 Nike Sneakers,
    and walk to Daddy’s Bimmer, when you tail them, then
    by all means go for the new Triton Besides if
    Daddy’s got money, and if you hit their darlings, Daddy may
    end up with your Triton. I guess it I went that way,
    I’d just stop at the ID part, and then at some future
    opportune time, I would “bump” into each one of the
    young men, and give them a more private lesson in
    not messing with other people’s property. No Witnesses,
    and no interruptions. If I ever caught my sons doing
    something like that, the boat owner would not have
    to do a thing. That can’o’whoopass woud be opened
    by Dear ol’Dad.

    Big Bass Bane

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Curt I can see your years of experience lend to a calm attitude. I on the other hand am young, consider myself a redneck and probably would have been the one in trouble. I think JC’s suggestion is best, however I have to add one twist to it, duct tape the little snots to the seats then head for the lake, I wonder how funny it would be then.

    Our idea of fun was throwing beer bottles at the train, leaving black marks on the streets and the occasional hen house raid for some eggs. Anybody ever put rocks in the cops hub caps?? It’s pretty funny!!

    I say a good slap up side the nugget to get their attention was in order.

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Never put rocks in the hub caps but I did toss walnuts at a cop with some friends once. Needless to say the little fat kid got caught and sang like a bird. Nope, never did that again.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    karma man

    what comes around goes around

    I have seen it in action !!!

    Winnebago, MN
    Posts: 90

    As much as it could have been me lol I was not the old man in the story… if it had been me… well… don’t know how many people saw the movie Sling Blade. If you did there’s a certain part toward the end of the movie where Sling Blade asks the father of the boy he has befriended how you call for an “ambuuulance”. The father says 911 why? and Sling Blade says “cause I’m about to keeeel somebody” hahaha… thats more what I would have been thinking haha! I’ve been faced with a couple of events like that over the years… how I reacted was much different when I was 30 but the amount of adrenaline pumping is still about the same. I sure don’t go looking for trouble and I am pretty good at talking my way through situations like that without having the other person lose respect for me. On the other hand… I grew up hard so… there’s a part of me that refuses to bow my neck if I believe I’m on the right side of the principle involved. Getting older doesn’t stop the instinct to defend yourself, your family, or your principles… just makes you more tend to save what you have for when you absolutely need to use it and presses you to become extraordinarily creative haha! Been a long time since I felt the need.

    Course… there are those drunken landowners that come out on their docks and tell me I can’t fish near their property cause they own the lake that make me aware my adrenal gland’s still in proper working order hahaha! But thats a whole new thread hehe


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