Up Side The Listeners.

  • onthewater
    Roanoke, Virginia
    Posts: 287

    Hey, guys,

    I was out last night, prefishing with my Monday night partner Carl. Carl was up in the front of the boat as it was his boat; I was in the back, and we were fishin’ the slop -now, another addiction of mine.

    Normally Carl and I will take turns with the boats. For example, he’ll bring his, I’ll bring mine, but being that mama has the boat puller in VA until Sunday, we took Carl’s.

    Ok, so were fishin’ slop. I’m casting that puppy as far back in the snot as I can get it. Carl and I are talking, he’s casting & reeling, I’m casting and realing, when suddenly it all becomes clear! There’s an open spot in the snot near a few strands of reeds… Carl’s talking, I’m talking and lookin’ at that hole. I swing cast that rat (like I had been till that point), and I’m talking; then Carl says, “ouch,” and right before Carl say’s “ouch,” I hear a, “whap!” I smacked Carl right up side the left listner!

    Man, you had to be there. I was so sorry, yet I was laughing my off. It was a scene right outa Laurel & Hardey!

    I was glad that I didni’t hook Carl’s ear.

    A little while later I began to cast overhanded, and I managed to set that rat right in that hole; after counting to ten, I pulled a bit and, “bam!” I caught 3.5lber.

    Well, I just had to share that with you boys.

    Any similar stories out there?

    Thanks ,

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Glad to hear your fishing the good stuff!! Carl is probably lucky you were fishing slop and the hooks are embedded into the lure.

    I’ve hit my partner on a missed hookset….having the lure come flying back at the boat at mach 1.7..

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    JC slapped me hard in the face with a moss rat last year. It was definitely something you would have had to witness to appreciate. Heck, he even got the drag to squeek when that rat impacted on the left side of my face.

    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    Only Someone as graceful as I could do this and not spill a drop of blood.
    That and the fact that Tom is so hard headed that nothing can penetrate.

    I will say that it is all funny now but at the time I felt my heart sink thinking that when I turn around he will be missing parts of his person. 80lb braid, 7ft heavy action croix and a sr tourney frog can be dangerous.

    Roanoke, Virginia
    Posts: 287

    Man, as soon as I heard that, “whap” from the frog cuffin’ Carl’s noggin and that, “ouch,” I almost knew instantly what had happened.

    What was even funnier is his, “ouch” was at the same level & tone as the rest of his conversation; after he said it and, “you just hit me,” he continued talking like nothing happened. That was probably the funniest part.

    Well, JC, I must write that we’re tied at that level of gracefullness.

    Thanks ,

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Yeah I thumped the GF’s nogging the on sunday, first time I remeber hitting anyone but myself, it was because you could hear the little thud, She just gave me the look, she wan’t mad, but she wasn’t happy, it was way too funny not to laugh, even though I felt bad. It was only a little 1/16 ounce jig, with a tube, luckily it it didn’t hook her.

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    OnTheWater, How long did it take to get the backlash out of your reel or did you luck out?

    I have had two occurances of this. The first time I was on LOTW in the islands, as a kid, with my mother and a buddy. We were pitching Mepps Giant Killers for toothy critters. I was sitting in the middle of the boat my buddy in the back and my mom in the front. I was casting side arm and when I came around on the cast I skipped the lure off of the top of my mothers head. She was not happy to say the least and no damage was done.

    The second time I was fishing with my wife, she may have been my girl friend at the time, for largemouths with a Devil Horse. I hooked into one and the fight was on. The fish made a jump like they do and the lure came loose from the fish. I am sure you can tell where this is going. Of course the lure came right back to my wife in the back of the head. Again, no damage was done.

    Now that I look as I write this post I can only smile and giggle a little.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 1531

    I knew a man who was almost killed by a musky bait. He spent three days in the hospital and two weeks at home after getting beat in the head with a big wood bait. not something to laugh about.

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417

    When I swing on a fish while flippin/ pitchin, I’ve gotten into the habit of swinging across my body (not overhead) to set the hook (kind-of-Ken Cook-ish). So this year at a Wi Fed state qualifier tourney, I had pitched a tube up to a ladder on a seawall that was no more than 10- 12ft away when I feel that wonderful thump . Due to me throwing such a big tube and hook, I alway “drive ’em home” HARD! Anyways, I swung on this poor little fish and he came out of the water like a rocket! I know that we all have set on a fish and had it go over our heads, or know of someone who has, but because of my hookset, this little guy (11ish”) was taking a trip over the boat as my non-boaters chest so rudely interrupted the flight path. That’s right! I DRILLED my partner in the chest with a bass! He was speechless as I was LMAO! I will never in my life forget the look on his face as he saw this fish being propelled at him at near lightspeed.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Well, here’s a contribution from last night.

    My Dad and I were fishing a shallow wingdam with plastics. We were doing okay catching fish and I’m on the bow of the flat boat minding my own business when out of the clear blue, WHAMMOOO!!!! I figure I’ve been shot in the neck by an assassin. I was hit in the neck so hard I had to lean across the bow seat just to keep from falling out of the boat.

    What could have hit me so hard to literally bring me to my knees? How about a 1/4oz weight attached to a worm hook. Thankfully the fish my Dad set the hook on had stripped the hook of it plastic bait or who knows how long I might have been wearing the imprint of a baby brush hog on my neck.

    As it is I have a very, very nice welt and a lovely hook mark on my neck. That combined with the comment “suck it up, your not bleeding……………..much” are still reminding me how much I love my Dad.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 145

    A few years ago I was Muskie fishing on Lake Mille Lac with my friend Ron who lived near Garrison. I had got my lure hung up in the weeds and we were talking and he was sill casting his ten inch long daredevil. When he reached back to make make an incredibly long cast and hooked my line which was snagged up. He took that mighty swing and the damndevil went straight up about 40 feet and came down, hitting me on top of the head so hard I saw a small animated constellation! I had a hat on but it still drew a little blood. He laughed about it, I don’t recall laughing?

    Waterford, WI
    Posts: 241

    I don’t mean to laugh, but these stories are great. I just spit coffee all over my computer, from laughing so hard.

    And I have personally seen d-nort send 8, and 10″ fish soaring through the air, at about 100mph. When I know he’s gonna set the hook, I automatically duck.

    Keep the stories commin’

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 972

    Sadly I have a story that was self-inflicted, and I unfortuantely had witnesses that has been sharing it… so, what the heck, I will share with the crew here…

    I was fishing a bit heavier weight than usual due to the higher water… only about a 1/2 once, thank goodness. Well, I am known for a slightly aggressive hook set. We had no keepers, so pressure was on… I was fishing an 8″ worm… line started to move, I felt the tick, I set the hook… no fish on… but that 1/2 once weight came flying at me… not sure how the trajectory became what it did… but, as I just stared at the weight as it flew through the air in that split second… the weight nailed me right in “the boys”…

    I buckled over, and I tell you, I haven’t really ever been “bruised” in that way before… Now, I fish with a cup.

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417

    Dang RG! Say it ain’t so! A 1/2 oz. bullet straight to the “BOYS”?

    I just had to stand up and take a few deep breaths just from thinking how that could’ve felt. Dude, I can’t imagine! Sorry Blue Fleck, I was feeling a little sympathetic for your little hook welt on your neck, but not any more. In the “BOYS”?

    – d-nort

    eldridge, ia
    Posts: 709

    Last year i launched a 12″ bass with my jig into my partners boys as well- took his breath away but good for a laugh.

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 590

    I got a good one….

    Last week my brother and I decided to take a break from fishing and go golfing. On the 18th hole I was lining up for my approach shot and shanked it bad and smacked my brother in the arm hard. Big welt on his arm, it was kind of scarry at first then i laughed my a$$ off.

    This weekend my brother and I were camping and were doing some bottom fishing. I got snagged up and started pulling till my line broke. Well, my hook broke off but not the 3/4 oz egg sinker. It came flying back at 300 mph and wham, right in the opposite arm in the same place. I laughed as I watched his arm turn blue.

    Mississippi River
    Posts: 997

    ….another one

    Last spring I was fishing with my dad. We were flipping some tree stumps on a flooded island when he says- typical “there’s one”. Well like many tournament fishermen his hook set is a little aggressive. Well on the “th” of there he lays into it and out of the water over our heads comes a dink 10-11 inch bass. As it flies over his head, he loses grip on the rod. As the fish completed a full gainer with a twist and landed the rod went in with him. I laughed for at least 5 minutes in the bottom of the boat, at least until he suggested that I wade in the water to search for his rod. Needless to say I wasn’t laughing when I was neck deep in my underwear.
    p.s. we ended up snagging it with a deep diving crank

    Waterford, WI
    Posts: 241

    Hey duckilr, was the dink still on the end of the line???

    Mississippi River
    Posts: 997

    Nope, I think he must of rattled off during his flip sequence.

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364

    I’ve had some real good one’s here lately. I was doing some lindy rig fishing and I was close to the boat. I went to get a snag out and was pulling hard on the line and WHAM! The 1/2 oz sinker came out of the water hit me in the chest and I went right down. It was like getting shot with a shotgun I’m sure. I thought for sure I had broken ribs.

    I was also lucky enough last night to hook a bass on a top water on the Chipp. I got it to the boat and my line broke or pulled through at the lure. The bass fell and I grabbed the lure. They both went right out the boat…guess who followed…. Well to me!!!

    Roanoke, Virginia
    Posts: 287

    Hmm. Underware…

    My dad, my kid and I were on the boat, and dad had been blowin’ all night. Well finally, when he was squeekin’ another one out, a bit too much came out… Well, his underware are not at the bottom of the lake, adding to its structure.

    He didn’t miss a beat. He said, “sh!t.” Took of his pants, wiped his fanny, and tossed’em over the side; then kept right on fishing!

    You had to be there… We were all laughin’ our off!

    Thanks ,

    Posts: 128

    rotflmao. They call that “sharted”, tried to fart and a little sh*t came out.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416


    rotflmao. They call that “sharted”, tried to fart and a little sh*t came out.

    My dad used to refer to those as a GNL. Gambled and Lost!

    Posts: 5130

    It is amazing what can be found in the “archives” on this site. There are some funny stories on here. But, you also find out there are some things that never change

    Posts: 97

    A buddy of mine sharted (Love that term) one time in the rain and in the mist of taking off his suit and clothing to clean up, he had multiple lengths of Charmin floating around his boat. In the aftermath of the hazardous waste department spill, he was putting back on his rain bids just in time to find 2 kayakers paddling 30′ from his boat looking at him and the “new white aquatic vegetation” that was floating around him. He said, he’s never had his boat on plane faster then that time! Must have been too many of these the night before. Next time Dan, make sure you do this first!!!

    Dundee, Iowa
    Posts: 479

    I’ve had a few 3/4oz weight and tube come back and hit in “The Boys” more than once. dads about fallen out of the boat after the seat busted on a hook set my dad has felt what a panfish popper on the back fells like more than once.


    As i write this i keep thinkin up alot more. and im laughin really hard. oh the good times

    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    1/4 oz swim jig to the temple is a sensation you will never forget

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