What do you do when the river is dropping!

    Posts: 132

    Okay finally the river is about to go down we hope? Just wondering what do you all do to find fish (BASS) when the river starts to drop back to normal! I know the Lock & Dam can effect this alot as they can change it everyday! Just looking for what you all do diffrently when in search of Bass as the river drops at a rapid rate.

    Posts: 315

    points in the flooded back waters then if there not there follow the levee banks down and fish the normal bank if it gets to falling really fast go to where the normal bank is this usually creats a small natural edge where they can get below it and eat what ever comes off the islands

    if all else fails and the water is warm to where the bass should be moving to the current go to the grass beds,points, breaks closest to the current if all else fails grabb a spinner bait fish till you find bait in the back waters and fish

    btw rember in high and falling water situations the lower end of the pools stays the most stable id concentrate the most of my efforts in these areas in these times of year due to they will be more stable bass

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    I just look for the really deep holes. Last summer when river levels got unbarebly low, we fished the known holes and eddies. Thats where all the fish went when their normal spot got too low. Up next to dams, behind an island where there is calm water, under bridges. Wherever the holes are, thats where they will be.

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