Holy Shishkabobs… Can someone say R-A-I-N! We launched in the rain at 5:15 and it came down HARD and STEADY for 2 hours… some lightning made us call it a night at 7:15. I sincerely haven’t seen rain like that in quite sometime… my rain gauage when I got home indicated 3 and 7/8 inches… now that is coming down!
Fish were biting, and Slop Bass turned in some beauties!
Of course, I should say… Slop Bass FINALLY caught some fish…
Only took the guy 8 weeks… I guess during the spring, Slop just for the weeds to grow!
Sincerely, nice job tonight, Slop… now, if we can find 5 of those next Saturday, we’ll at least gain some respect!
Interestingly, Smallies were caught on the lake, a couple 3#’s… had spawn in them still. Does this surprise anyone? Seems late?
Anyway, a wet night, and my boat will take a week to dry out… But, the fish were out!