Pool 9 Today

  • mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    I spent 1/2 day today with Roger and Scott….2nd half of day was spent at son’s graduation. We got 2-7# pike and a 5 lb pike. 8-9 Bass bite even in the sludge biggest 3.5.

    I gotta tell you bass guys what happened today. As some of you know the emerald shiners are thick in the shallows right now. Well to make a long story short a very,very.very large bucket mouth proceeds to open his mouth come up to the top of the water 25 feet away from us,(while I am holding us against the current with the main motor), and feed like a whale with her mouth wide open . Three of us for about 10 minutes just kept saying ….can you believe it did that, and can you believe the size,trust me nobody on this board that I have ever talked to has caught a largemouth this big on the Mississippi. Were talking Lake Fork size here.

    So needless to say we stayed for a while and fished for it. About 20 minutes later it took a swat at one of the guys cranks about 20 feet behind the boat follows the crank…then turns to the boat and goes withing 3 feet of my running motor about 4 inches below the surface and I tell the guys it just went by…me.. Ofcource they didn’t believe me till about 15 second later it comes out from under the boat and continues straight ahead, again doing the open mouth whale thing on the top of the water for about twenty feet in front of the boat. Turns shows us its whole body and its unbelievable bass tail and dives not to be seen again.

    First question: Have any of you ever seen anything like this before.. In 43 years on the Mississippi I haven’t.
    Number 2….Where did that big of a Bass come from.. we are talking right at about 30 inches.. and at least 10#S. Absolutely no question about it being a bass all three of us had two long looks at it, and I had it swim two feet behind me in plain sight.

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